BOARD: Learning from the Wounds

Embark upon a new beginning with passion - for without passion, we find ourselves without the will for anything other than meaningless, ineffective ways.

CREATIVE ACTION [Stage 4]: When you have reached the fourth stage of detachment your will want to start something new with real enthusiasm for the doing of it, rather than out of the need to prove something.

Loss or desire can paralyze us, so that we find ourselves without the will to act or else acting in meaningless, ineffective ways. One of the reasons we take time to process is so that when we do act, we're not paralyzed by fear or driven by the frantic need to do something (anything!) to convince ourselves we have some degree of control. In the early stages of loss, or in the grip of strong desire, it is sometimes better just to do the minimum for basic survival. As you move forward in the processing, however, ideas and plans will start to bubble up inside you, and you'll feel actual interest in doing them. This is when you can take creative action.
