
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: electrichummingbird on June 08, 2014, 11:19:58 AM

Title: Need help formatting email to uEXBPDH re kid stuff - also venting a bit.
Post by: electrichummingbird on June 08, 2014, 11:19:58 AM
uEXBPDH is currently recovering from a serious operation. He has a day with S2 every week and is currently skyping him twice a day the rest of the time.

The past few months have been new territory for me: In Feb / March he was still constantly sending abusive texts and emails and I was clearly split black. I had previously been responding to some of what he was saying but then managed to improve my boundaries and only write the very bare minimum re our son. For most of March and some of April he was away - mostly on holidays, but blamed me for his being away and not being able to see our son. During this time he managed to stop with the abusive messages, and only occasionally had a little outburst towards me.

Currently he is sending me love, occasionally hearts, wrote an email saying "we're still a family". I ignore this stuff and only communicate about our son, aside from a very occasional "have a nice day" or "thanks" (not about any of the lovey stuff, for positive feedback when he's okay with a Skype delay or a phone call if we're out).

My new SO (who is amazingly supportive, psychologically healthy and fantastic on every level) feels that the Skype situation is giving uEXBPDH false hope that the family will get back together. I'm not entirely sure that it's the Skypes that may be doing that, because I'm familiar with uEXBPDH's cycles of idealisation and depersonalisation with me and at this stage I feel pretty much ineffective / powerless as to anything uEXPDH does. Perhaps I'm not seeing things in their entirety or it's a phase in my own recovery to do with accepting uEXBPDH the way he is, but I don't think that anything I say or do will influence uEXBPDH; I think that when he's ready to be triggered into splitting black, anything will do, and when he's ready to idealise, he'll go ahead and do that. Is that more or less accurate or is my SO right here?

I don't begrudge S2 and uEXBPDH the time they spend together on Skype but I dread the calls every day and really, really, really don't want to see his face or hear his voice or have to engage with him in any way. I genuinely hate doing it and as it's always very late in the morning by the time uEXBPDH is ready, it means we can't do a proper day out or whatever. I mean doing it every day like this is really getting to be a drag (as new SO points out, I'm spending an hour and a half with uBPDEXH every day). And in the evening, he wants to Skype again; so either I try to make food that I can nip in and out to prepare and S2 will follow me in and out during the skype, or I skip a sit down dinner and feed S2 while he skypes, or it's between dinner and bedtime and winds S2 up somewhat. As you might imagine, S2 isn't at a stage of development to sit down and have a conversation on Skype, he wants to run around and play so I follow him around with the laptop or play with him while trying to stay off screen.

I really want to change the situation and my new SO thinks it's worth writing to uEXBPDH to sort it out. I dread writing to him even more than the daily skypes, as I don't want to get caught up in an illogical email exchange and then still be stuck having to do the Skype stuff. I'm trying to figure out how to word the email but also find it really hard to think about because it awakens such feelings of dread in me. I can see that I'm being avoidant, and see that I'm being a bit of a doormat too.

Can anyone help me word a message to uEXBPDH that might help? Should I just set a new boundary and a new timetable in a really friendly way? That, and focusing on how his health is improving and he should able to spend more time with his son in person is all I have so far but I haven't even gotten to the point of drafting a message. I'm so, so, so over dealing with uEXBPDH. He seems "normal" and "healthy" right now but I've seen it so many times and refuse to believe that he's ever going to change (he's not in therapy or anything - may be on anti anxiety meds though).

As far as more time with our son, I've suggested we find a babysitter near where he's living right now so that when I'm working, S2 could be with his dad and grandparents and a nanny who could take care of all the hard work/ be responsible. I even offered to pay and uEXBPDH refused, saying he had "arrangements in place" for when his health was better, I think he's referring to getting his own place. Realistically, his health isn't going to be good enough to move out on his own for quite a long time (he has more medical things to go through when he's recovered enough from this op). Just mentioning this to show how I try to demonstrate that I'm not trying to keep him away from our son (this is one of the main things that comes up when he splits me black) and the impossibility of any kind of rational discussion.

Ugh, anytime I write about this it gets so long and complicated.

TL:)R: uEXBPDH is hard to communicate with, currently seems to think we're going to live happily ever after despite tons of evidence to the contrary, I want to stop the twice daily Skypes and need help formatting an email to him. Thanks for reading.

Title: Re: Need help formatting email to uEXBPDH re kid stuff - also venting a bit.
Post by: livednlearned on June 08, 2014, 12:34:52 PM
Hi electrichummingbird,

Do you have a custody agreement in place with your ex? Skimming your posts, it sounds like you proposed the current Skype schedule, and not the court?

If the Skyping is court-ordered, that's a different email. If this is something you proposed, then it's really about boundaries.

Boundaries are really easy when you don't feel fear, obligation, or guilt (FOG)  :)  When you feel obligated, which it sounds like you do, then boundaries seem very difficult and onerous. An email to your ex could be as simple as:

Going forward, the new Skype schedule will be Monday, Thurs, Sun, between 7-7:30pm. I will make D2 available between 7:00-7:10pm -- if there is no call between those times, I will assume you won't be calling that night.

We often recommend keep email communications short and to the point.

Skyping twice a day for a 2 year old is likely to be considered excessive by anyone affiliated with the court. Skyping at all with a 2 year old is probably going to surprise people for exactly the issues you have to contend with -- like running around with the laptop.

When I first left my ex (before temporary orders were in place), my son (9 at the time) talked to his dad on the phone every day. When we went into mediation, everyone felt that was way too much, including my ex (!), who had asked for that schedule.

Over the past 3.5 years, there have been two long stretches when visitation was suspended, and no one -- not the judge, not the lawyers, not the therapists, not the parenting coordinator -- thought it made sense to have daily contact. When we drastically cut visitation between n/BPDx and my son, they tried Skyping but S12 often had nothing to say and their calls sometimes lasted less than 30 seconds. Eventually, N/BPDx just stopped calling. Fortunately, the custody order said he had to initiate the call, otherwise N/BPDx would've used it to try and control me. Even so, I resented having to rush back three times a week at 6pm to get S12 in front of the computer. It made afterschool activities hard to plan and during the summer we often had to interrupt plans because there was no way to reason with N/BPDx about that kind of thing.

Also, if you are initiating the calls, it's best to put the burden on your ex to make the calls. A lot of times, especially in the early stages of divorce, and especially if you have a BPD or NPD parent, setting boundaries is going to feel really mean. Setting boundaries, though, is about taking care of yourself. A lot of times, we feel guilty about that, but once you work through those issues, setting boundaries feels a lot healthier.

If you need to do this in small steps, figure out what the guilt is about. If it's about wanting your ex to have a constant presence in his son's life, then tell him he can record things and you'll play them for your son when he has some downtime. If you feel guilty about your ex not seeing his son grow up, then take lots of pictures and videos and send them to your ex at your convenience.

Another issue here -- this is about your ex putting his son to bed at night -- is that whatever you do now establishes status quo when things get finalized in court. If you don't think it's reasonable for someone recovering from a major operation to put your D to bed, then it isn't reasonable. The court will find you to be clear-thinking and reasonable. If your ex is in no shape to care for your D at night, and you hand her over, then the court doubts whether you are a stable parent.

Last -- about your SO. It seems early for a new partner to be advising you about what you should or shouldn't do. He's probably correct that there is something manipulative about the daily contact, but I would guess it's as much about your ex controlling you as it is wanting to reconcile. 

If you don't have a custody order, you aren't stuck doing anything. You don't have to do anything you hate, or agree to anything.

Title: Re: Need help formatting email to uEXBPDH re kid stuff - also venting a bit.
Post by: Turkish on June 08, 2014, 11:30:16 PM
I don't have much to add to what lnl said other than my experience with S4 and D2... . we started the nightly calls, but they became a problem. Though the kids are slightly more attached to me, I said I would end the calls when S4 got cranky all of a sudden when I called. Perhaps me calling them reminded them of the abandonment? uBPDx followed suit. A few months ago, after she had moved out, she asked me to skype with her so she could see them. I gave a non commital reply and didn't do it. She never asked again. We are on a 3-2-2-3 schedule (unofficially, but I wrote it into the stipulation, and she's been served). Her object constancy issues are neither my nor the kids' problem. That being said, we have an agreement (verbal) that if the kids ask to call the other parent, then we will oblige. Children should not be made to feel responsible for their parents' emotions. Being married to a pwBPD, you know how that feels as an adult. Kids don't have the mental capacity to understand that.

Title: Re: Need help formatting email to uEXBPDH re kid stuff - also venting a bit.
Post by: Matt on June 09, 2014, 09:14:30 AM
I think the first thing to do is to figure out what arrangement will be OK for you.

LnL's questions about what is court-ordered is critical too.  You have to decide what is OK for you and OK for the court, and most of all what you think will be best for S2.

It sounds like S2 isn't really able to have a conversation by Skype, so this is something else - your ex on one end and your house on the other end, with both you and S2 in and out of the frame.  Kind of a mess.

Once you have a decision about what you think will be best, try to communicate it in three sentences or less.  Say what you will do, and then do it;  don't argue.

From:  Electric

To:  Ex

cc:  Electric's attorney

Re:  Daily contact.

S2 is not old enough to have a good Skype or phone conversation, so our daily attempts to do that are not working on this end.

We can keep trying once a week - I would suggest Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. but I'm open to a different evening if you prefer.