
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: codependentmax on July 27, 2010, 06:32:03 PM

Title: I wrote him a letter
Post by: codependentmax on July 27, 2010, 06:32:03 PM
and gave it to him last night. I decided to write a letter because he is very good at interrupting me in the middle of a point to make sure I know that I don't have a good point... .confusing, I know...

SO, I wrote a very to the point, assertive letter that only talked about me. How I am not happy and I need to leave the relationship.  I told him he was a great father to our children. I asked him how he wanted to seperate; i.e., I move out or he moves out... either way, it's up to him.  It was a short letter (one page) and I ended it wishing him to find his happiness.

SO, he writes me back and lists everything I've ever done wrong (real or otherwise) in our relationship.  He wrote the words "nope" above the part I had written caring for him and wanting to be there for him.  He wrote, in sharpie, on the top of his letter (which was written on the back of mine) "No Love Lost"... .

Now I have solid proof that he wasn't happy in the relationship if he ever tries to come back all sweet and wanting to get back together.

Title: Re: I wrote him a letter
Post by: JoannaK on July 27, 2010, 06:35:30 PM
Do you think there is any chance that he will actually move out?

Title: Re: I wrote him a letter
Post by: codependentmax on July 27, 2010, 06:41:47 PM
Ugh, I hope so. But I am prepared to move out if it is what it will take. I asked him this morning what he wanted to do, and he just walked right past me, TWICE!  "ignoring" me... .

Title: Re: I wrote him a letter
Post by: JoannaK on July 27, 2010, 06:44:21 PM
Would you move out with the kids?  Are you financially able to do so?  Who owns the house... or do you rent?

Title: Re: I wrote him a letter
Post by: codependentmax on July 27, 2010, 06:53:28 PM
we rent.  I can't afford it on my own. If we stay (I will keep the kids) I was going to ask him for $500 a month.  If I have to move, I will have to downsize to an apartment, which I am ok with at this point.  Having my own space, even if it is smaller, sounds just wonderful right now.

Title: Re: I wrote him a letter
Post by: codependentmax on July 27, 2010, 07:00:43 PM
oh, and btw JoannaK, I LOVE your Marge Simpson that is so hilarious!

Title: Re: I wrote him a letter
Post by: 2010 on July 27, 2010, 09:13:47 PM
I wrote a very to the point, assertive letter that only talked about me. I need to leave the relationship. either way, it's up to him.

Well you may have started out with a very to the point, assertive stance and but then it became a "it's up to him."

Whether or not your realize it- not making your own choice on leaving and waiting for him to leave you- is by default, a choice. And you have made that choice- and are willing to live with it. That is not *his* choice- it is yours. You both could go on this way for the next decade and never budge from your present day positions with each other.

If you are not prepared to move out- then do not write letters stating you will. It only becomes an issue of wills from this point on- with emotional wrangling and threats.

If you are *not* strong enough to move out and be on your own- then you are undermining yourself. The inability for you to be on your own only causes more drama in an already faltering marriage and your Husband may use that to keep you from leaving. Either get a mediator together with your Husband and go to counseling or plan accordingly to move out. Do not wait for him to make your decision for you. The letter writing will only increase the dysfunction with two people trying to get their emotional needs met from one another and getting no satisfaction from the interactions.

Title: Re: I wrote him a letter
Post by: codependentmax on July 29, 2010, 03:31:43 PM
2010- you could not be more right my friend. And, I was actullay just discussing this with my sister.  I did realize this loophole I left wide open.  I am looking for my own apartment.

thank you for your response because I needed to read that!