
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: pennifree on January 19, 2011, 11:35:16 AM

Title: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: pennifree on January 19, 2011, 11:35:16 AM
Amanda Wang is the lead organizer of RethinkBPD, a peer-led advocacy and support group for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Ms. Wang participated in a lecture series on BPD at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. She shared her personal experience in coping with BPD as well as the objectives of RethinkBPD.

(https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/images/BPDhelpvideo.png) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDaHFnpsWzE&feature=youtube_gdata_player)

Here's BPD from the perspective of one who has suffered and overcome.  I found it both fascinating and heart wrenching.

youtube.com/watch?v=SDaHFnpsWzE& (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDaHFnpsWzE&feature=youtube_gdata_player)

Take good care,


Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: justhere on January 26, 2011, 07:03:44 PM
Thank you for your post pennifree. Can I ever relate to what this young lady had to say... ."Teach me how to live".. My dd's need this teaching so badly because they really don't know or understand in the way that you think they do.

They are very smart as far as schoolwork goes and can get A's without even trying but when it come to life and relationships, especially relationships, it amazes me just how little they do know and what consequences surprise them.  It would never of occur to my dd that there are consequences of marrying someone you just met or your children will have issues if you can't give them a stable and consistent home-life.

I have been rescuing them and trying to save them from themselves for years but one day they will have to face their own pain and it is this that frightens me the most.  Like this BPDsufferer stated... .all the love that you can give them will not save them. I spend hours talking to both my dd's about life and how it works and now that I'm learning and modeling healthier coping, I wonder too if anything is sinking in?


Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: pennifree on January 27, 2011, 12:19:10 PM
dear justhere,

They are very smart as far as schoolwork goes and can get A's without even trying but when it come to life and relationships, especially relationships, it amazes me just how little they do know and what consequences surprise them. 

What you say is so true.  If only loving them fiercly were enough... .all of our kids would be well.  But we all know that it takes much more than love to help somone with this illness to learn how to live.

I have been rescuing them and trying to save them from themselves for years but one day they will have to face their own pain and it is this that frightens me the most.  Like this BPDsufferer stated... .all the love that you can give them will not save them. I spend hours talking to both my dd's about life and how it works and now that I'm learning and modeling healthier coping, I wonder too if anything is sinking in?

All too often I found myself trying to protect my son too. rescuing and saving him from making costly, costly mistakes.  And it didn't work.  If anything, my behaviour was making his behaviour worse.  Even when he was getting really good treatment and starting to do a little bit better, I was so stuck in my role in the relationship that I kept making things worse. 

Realizing that I was also a part of the problem came very hard.  But making the necesary changes has come surprisingly easy and using those better skills has made a difference, even if a little slowly.

Change is sometimes slow, but it is bound to take place when you continue to make  yourself a healthier person using healthy coping skills and communication skills.

Take good care,


Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: whiletheseasonspass on January 28, 2011, 08:21:45 AM
Thank you pennifree,

This young woman is so fortunate even if it seems like she still struggles... .that said, I think her reaching out- and teaching others with BPD how to live will remain her mission and that will help her to continue to heal and hopefully others. 

I kept hearing her say over and over- that LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH... .LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH.  Well she kept saying it, of course, but it was important to hear even though I have been learning this- the hard way. 

I still ask as I have been asking for a long time- what then... .if you are a  mother who loves your child very much and love is NOT enough and your adult child is still very very self-destructive and more and you are very worried every single day and just can't find your own answers to help your child see the light?   :'(

What then... .

Thank you again, pennifree, for putting the link here. 



Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: Stinkerbelle on January 29, 2011, 07:26:27 PM
 |iiii  This video by Amanda Wang is outstanding. I recommend it to everyone. I wish it could be presented on t.v. Such an important piece of work. I joined the group "RethinkBPD" on FB. I applaude this young woman. I believe she will save lives with her efforts.

Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: kj1234 on January 30, 2011, 08:48:54 AM
thank you, pennifree.

Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: griz on January 21, 2013, 04:01:20 PM
What an incredibly moving video.  I don't know what else to say.


Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: cfh on January 22, 2013, 11:17:43 AM
That video was amazing.  A few of my close family members have asked me to explain BPD and I guess I don't do a very good job because they are still confused (it is pretty complicated!).

So last night I forwarded the video to 4 of them who I know love my ds and want to understand more about what he is going through.  Thanks for sharing it.

It was beautifully done... .  I wish I could show it to my ds.

Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: Reality on January 22, 2013, 09:10:08 PM
Thank you for drawing my attention to this phenomenal video.  I am going to share it with all my friends, who want to know more about BPD.


Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: vivekananda on January 26, 2013, 01:01:37 AM
a brilliant video. thank you pennifree.


Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: momontherun on January 26, 2013, 05:52:52 AM
Wow! This video speaks volumes to me ... .  so powerful! Thank you!

Title: Re: Amanda Wang for RethinkBPD [video]
Post by: twojaybirds on January 26, 2013, 06:13:01 PM
SHe speaks very well.  I toy with sending it to my dd under the guise of caring about people with special needs, rather than about her. 

I've used this video to help people understand better.  So many of the images and text are 100% my dd
