
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: dancinginthelight on December 31, 2012, 02:19:41 PM

Title: A little kooky or BPD?
Post by: dancinginthelight on December 31, 2012, 02:19:41 PM
Not sure if this is the correct board to post this from, but here goes.

Ive been doing a lot of thinking... .  thats amazing I know  lol

MMMM... .  how can I put this?

I understand BPD as my daughter 17 suffers from this disorder.

What is bugging me is that alot of people seem to ditch their SO by saying

their ex partners have PDs,

Some of these people might not have a mental illness per se, but just be a

little on the eccentric, kooky side?

The reason Im posting this, is not to undermine the stressful behaviours

that BPD sufferers have and the effects it has on their partners.

Abuse should not be tolerated in any form from anyone.

Sometimes it seems that people can put every little qwuirkyness into one bag.

and label it as BPD?

Example: Personally, i have always been a bit eccentric, say nutty things etc,

my ex used to find me endearing  lol, but i never raged or was abusive.

He apparently left me, convinced i am BPD?

NOw if that were true, why didnt he explain his reasons for leaving me?

Oh, Im not explaining it very well on here.

Please, if you can work out what im saying on here?

please excuse the grammar

Title: Re: A little kooky or BPD?
Post by: Rose Tiger on January 01, 2013, 12:12:32 AM
Have you taken any personality tests or been in therapy?  I'm sure a lot of folks are a bit quirky, and not have BPD.  If you are wondering, here is a quiz you can try... .  


Title: Re: A little kooky or BPD?
Post by: Surnia on January 01, 2013, 01:56:01 AM
Hi dancinginthedark

I think I get your point. And I can understand that you feel sometimes bugged having a daughter who is diagnosed.

Yes, many SOs are not diagnosed and will never be, some have just traits, some have other PDs, a really wide range. I think we should keep this really in mind.

What we can do is to stay and be respectful. To the sufferer from mental illness or having traits. Let us speak about a single person eg. my uBPDh and not about "they". And on the other hand lets validate the feelings and the pain of the partners no matter if the partner is BPD or has N traits or is an alcoholic.

Please, if you can work out what im saying on here?

I tried, tell me if I got you wrong.

Title: Re: A little kooky or BPD?
Post by: dancinginthelight on January 01, 2013, 04:21:52 AM
I took the test... .  and scored 90% Paranoid   

Happy new year