
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: anniluv on January 04, 2013, 12:15:29 PM

Title: Mom Now Afraid To Leave Her House
Post by: anniluv on January 04, 2013, 12:15:29 PM
First of all , I have missed you guys. I hope all is well and you are happy today.

My mom has an upcoming Birthday. My sister and I decided to throw her a party at my house. We  are cooking dinner, making her a cake, and inviting several family memebers.

I called to tell my mom , I did this several weeks in advance because if I don't she will find an excuse. Usually she will book time to babysit for  a person in town and use that as an excuse not to attend. She will say she has kids at her house and can't leave. Yes, people let a woman with BPD and a Xanax addiction watch their kids on a regular basis. Well she couldn't make an excuse, because I made the date so far in advance. Her attitude was horrible, she was saying whatever you make for dinner will do, I don't care what kind of cake you make, and I don't care who you invite. Then she started about how driving the 25 minutes to my house is dangerous, because they have to drive into the city. No city here, 2 towns of 30,000 people each. Not like I am asking them to drive into LA. She starts in about how the road are dangerous, the people in the city are crazy, and my house is too big and fancy to be comfortable. My house is a normal house, nothing fancy. Just a house. Then she started with I am not sure if we can make it, because your dad is working. I know he isn't I asked him.

I simply replied that we are having a party and she can attend or not. Eiether way, the family is getting together. She is to the point where she never leaves her house.

Vent Over!

Title: Re: Mom Now Afraid To Leave Her House
Post by: P.F.Change on January 04, 2013, 08:15:31 PM
It sounds like your mother doesn't like parties. Why do you need to throw her one?

I like that you decided to have the party with or without her in the end.  But you can do that anytime. .don't need her birthday to be the reason.