
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: jbmom on January 04, 2013, 11:19:18 PM

Title: My chuckle for the day...
Post by: jbmom on January 04, 2013, 11:19:18 PM
Had our second to last Family Connections meeting last night, and they one thing we discussed was keeping our humor. Our humor is a bit twisted now, as it revolves around life with a person with BPD. I have been trying hard to set my personal boundaries with DD and one today was not get frazzled about getting her to therapy. I have the nice option that my sitter can take her. The only downside is I don't get to touch base with the therapist. But hey, if she isn't going to talk in the car, or she gets made with me when I speak with the T, and holds a grudge -- why be there? So I called T today to connect before hand -w e do this to make sure everyone stays in reality (year right)

My list for him... .  just fyi...

- good xmas break for the most part

- not much yelling at all (from all)

- DD planning to get pregnant

- planned to runaway so she could have sex to get pregnant

- did some other stuff - which the other Mom caught

- lying to BF about getting beaten at home, with imaginary bruises etc (BF mom found the note from DD and chuckled, she knows our situation well enough)

- conflict du jour re: flirting with other boy, even through wants to be bf for a baby

- and a few other little stuff

So I wrap up the call by telling him--  'all in all nothing earth shattering, just the typical stuff'. He just let out a burst of laughter.  And then I realized what I had said. Nothing earth shattering -- yeah well all of it should be, but what they hey we are living an crazy land right now. So it is all quite typical. I can't help by smile thinking about this. Weeks ago we would have been in tears from this past two weeks. Now we just chuckle and think Oh boy, what has she done now.

Title: Re: My chuckle for the day...
Post by: cfh on January 04, 2013, 11:33:09 PM
I've said this before but my dh has a favorite line when we are in the middle of the chaos... .  "we couldn't make this ~ up!"

We must hang onto our sense of humor.  Starting Family Connections next week!

Title: Re: My chuckle for the day...
Post by: frustratedmom on January 04, 2013, 11:49:36 PM
Hahaha thanks for the laugh for thinking these events could be dealt with as humorous... .  and bravo!

My favorite part is that the bf's mom is also on board lol.

And OMG yes... .  who could make this $&@ up!

Keep smiling,


Title: Re: My chuckle for the day...
Post by: crazedncrazymom on January 05, 2013, 04:31:35 AM
Dang!  It's amazing how much our reality has changed.  I imagine there was a time when any one of those things on your lsit would have had you flipping out.  Our kids sure do make some interesting decisions. 

Title: Re: My chuckle for the day...
Post by: cfh on January 05, 2013, 08:47:29 AM
My cousin called last night to see how life was going with ds so I said "things are pretty calm and quiet at the moment, ds is back in jail getting some good services".  My cousin said WHAT!  He's in jail and you say things are calm! Are you crazy?  LOL maybe

I had the same thought to almost laugh... .  my cousin and I l live in such different worlds.

Title: Re: My chuckle for the day...
Post by: lovesjazz on January 05, 2013, 07:28:07 PM
I find it hard to live with people whose world is different from mine. I love it... .  who would make this ~ up.

The answer is... .  a BPD!