
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: llbee814 on January 15, 2013, 12:45:30 AM

Title: cse mtg... blech
Post by: llbee814 on January 15, 2013, 12:45:30 AM
So, dd17 legitimately should have been "suspended" before the holidays, but attends an alternative high school so wasn't really "suspended" wink wink.  Even though it involved her being physically aggressive towards a girl (thankfully no injuries) I was only asked to keep her home the three days before the vacay (she finished out that day and came home on the bus and it was actually her that called me and not the school.)  There was and has never been any paperwork on this incident,  although it is now referred to as a suspension. After the holidays, I go in for prearranged mtg that I believed was more or less formality, which turns into basic enforced early graduation in 13 days of my daughter being put on the table.  I was stunned.  I also felt I was between a rock and a hard place.  I guess I still do, lol.  I am so po'd!  At my dd for losing it at Ms queen bully bee with the mommy lawyer.  At the school for the second non-suspension (yup, they did the same thing again, only thankfully this time my dd wasn't aggressive.)  I have asked both districts for documentation and have nothing... .  except mistrust for what's going to go on at this mtg for her iep Wednesday morning.  I'm thinking i don't want the suspensions backdated since they weren't processed.  Since she's OHI (bipolar, ptsd)  should it present a problem if we all agree on a change of placement without trashing dd17?  Any thoughts?

Title: Re: cse mtg... blech
Post by: Being Mindful on January 15, 2013, 06:59:51 AM
Oh my llbee, how frustrating this situation.

What is an enforced early graduation? What does that mean?

Being Mindful

Title: Re: cse mtg... blech
Post by: llbee814 on January 15, 2013, 09:31:42 AM
We are in NY, she has all her Regents credits in place already and supposedly could have finished the rest of what she needed "in 13 days" and graduated this month.  After Xmas vacay, her principal presented this as the best course of action for dds future.  Her home district had concerns with this (as did I.)  Her principal passes it off as our choice and non -punitive.  (We did agree to it and dd was worrking very hard, but scenario with other girl was making situation impossible to accomplish there.)  Meanwhile, this could effectively go down as an explulsion on her records, when all is said and done.  Semantics!, lol.  I wish people didn't play these stupid guessing games.  I'm no mindreader, lol.  Too stressful.

Title: Re: cse mtg... blech
Post by: almostvegan on January 15, 2013, 09:47:09 AM
Are you thinking of hiring an attorney? We met with a fantastic advocate. If you want her contact info ill be happy to post it for you. NYC area

Title: Re: cse mtg... blech
Post by: llbee814 on January 15, 2013, 04:04:40 PM
Thank you, almost vegan... .  I'm going to hope for an amicable resolution tomorrow morning    otherwise, a good lawyer sounds perfect 

Title: Re: cse mtg... blech
Post by: jellibeans on January 15, 2013, 08:48:50 PM
I am not sure what the concern is... .  being forced to grad early? or having this on her record?

Sounds like they are not being up front with you... .  personally I would love for my daughter to grad early. It there a plan for the future? college?

I hope things go well for you tomorrow... good luck... .  be strong