Title: How many of you would call yourselves "underearners"? Post by: tryintogetby on January 18, 2013, 10:01:47 AM I'm seriously having trouble with career stuff. I'm the child of a BPD (w/NPD traits) couple, and I still worry about "who the heck am I?" I have so many different interests, and I'm so tired of revisiting this topic over and over again. I worked a crappy job for years while DH was in graduate school, but my only real skills are in creative fields. I'm in a position where I need to bring in more money, and I realize that, in my mid-30's, I'm only qualified for entry-level jobs. I'm so angry about this. I'm not even sure where to begin to bring in more money. Is anyone else
1) afraid of money? 2) unsure where their true passions and skills lay? 3) afraid of taking career risks? 4) afraid of failure/success? 5) only wanting to take actions when you're sure of the outcome? If you see yourself in any of this, *how did you overcome it?* I joined Underearners anonymous, and that seems to really be helping some of my thinking. I'm also reading the Jerry Mundis books. (Sorry, I'm also angry about a forum problem that I posted on the tech forum about, so I'm a bit distracted right now.) Thanks everyone, TTGB |