Title: Nashville Therapy Post by: 74Bug on February 01, 2013, 01:32:25 PM Hello all,
I'm new here (my second post). Hopefully this is not an inappropriate place to post this question. If any of you live in the Nashville area, could you recommend any professionals for therapy/counseling? Thanks, M Title: Re: Nashville Therapy Post by: waverider on February 01, 2013, 09:36:06 PM This might be a good place to start
www.nashvillepsychotherapyinstitute.org/directory (http://www.nashvillepsychotherapyinstitute.org/directory) Then just do a ring around and ask questions Books such as Essential family Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder, and other online guides, can give give tips as to what questions to ask Due to confidentiality reasons, members prefer not to divulge their locations, as such it is probably not advisable to request personal recommendations. Endorsement of specific Therapists is also not site policy. Take your time, You may even have to try a few out before you find the one that works Title: Re: Nashville Therapy Post by: 74Bug on February 02, 2013, 12:00:23 PM Thanks waverider. Also, thanks for the policy info.