
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: heronbird on February 12, 2013, 04:35:31 PM

Title: medication and pregnancy
Post by: heronbird on February 12, 2013, 04:35:31 PM

I just want to say a couple of things I have noticed. First thing is that my dd is 25 weeks pregnant now, today we went to the hospital for her usual check up and the doctor said that he wants her to have extra scans, maybe at least three more. When I asked why he said it is because of the medication she was on, they just want to make sure the baby is growing properly. Well I didnt like to ask but what will they do if  he isnt growing propellent. Im a bit worried now.

Did this happen to anyone elses daughters?

Also, my dd has been so much better for 20 weeks now, I have been told the hormones help pwBPD when they are pregnant. So, why are we not looking at hormones for her after she has the baby if BPD rears its ugly head when she is not pregnant :light:

I was telling a friend of mine and she said she knew someone with a mental healthillness who did that, she got hormone injections or tablets and they really helped her

Any ideas?

Title: Re: medication and pregnancy
Post by: griz on February 12, 2013, 04:57:18 PM
heronbird:  I also was on medication while pregnant with DD.  They did plenty of level 2 scans to make sure she was growing properly.  One of the things they look for is that the lungs are maturing at the right rate.  If not there are medications that they can give to help boost the lungs.  This is very much the same as when a baby is premature.  I won't worry too much but I would also ask the doctor what the plan is.

I think there is a definite connection with hormones.  DD always gets worse about a week before her period.  Her depression intensifies.  I have mentioned this time and time again with her doctor but they always just answered me with Yes that can happen.( Well thanks guys, because that helped a lot)

I plan on bringing this up again if DD finally does go back to see the P.


Title: Re: medication and pregnancy
Post by: heronbird on February 13, 2013, 06:02:14 AM
Oh thanks Griz, its funny nothing about this was ever said before. I couldnt really ask  the doctor about my concerns because I didnt want to worry my dd. She seems not worried and that is best.

I cant believe how good she has been since she was pregnant, its like she is almost normal. (almost)

I do worry about this pregnancy because if anything goes wrong she will be finished, she wont cope.

Do you know that celeb called Katie Price, she seems a bit BPD ish. When she was pregnant with her first I saw her in an interview saying she was so depressed and was on meds. I wonder if thats why her first son has problems. Now, she is a loveley mum with him and he is still sweet. But she has the money to give him the very best.

So they do have meds, that makes me feel better. You might think the doctor could of told us that.