Title: Helpful resources for court when up against a BPD/NPD affected person Post by: Forward2free on February 17, 2013, 09:53:27 PM It sounds like a common theme so I thought I would start a post with some helpful resources for being in court with a BPD or NPD affected person.
I know everyone's experience is different but I hope that the articles that I and others post will be a good starting point. Legal perspective: Could be used to brief your legal team or to provide you with more guidelines for what to do www.gbfamilylaw.com/CM/Articles/The-Mentally-Incompetent-Party.asp Title: Re: Helpful resources for court when up against a BPD/NPD affected person Post by: stuckinbetween on February 18, 2013, 07:03:18 PM Kormilda,
This is a wonderful distillation of personality disorders for family law attorneys. Thank you so much. I've sent the link to my attorney. I hope everyone involved in family court readsthis and send it on to their Ls. Thank you so much for posting this. It should go into the archives/resources on this site. Stuckinbetween Title: Re: Helpful resources for court when up against a BPD/NPD affected person Post by: Forward2free on February 24, 2013, 09:51:59 PM www.psychologytoday.com/blog/stop-walking-eggshells/201107/prognosis-is-gloomy-children-personality-disordered-parents-studi
"Prognosis is Gloomy for Children with Personality-Disordered Parents, Studies Suggest low-self esteem and personality disorders can result Published on July 3, 2011 by Randi Kreger in Stop Walking on Eggshells We've touched on parents with personality disorders in the comments in many of the blog articles I've posted. While I have written much about the subject, as have many others, I thought I would highlight the studies on borderline and narcissistic parents that I could easily find when searching pubmed.com. These are not all the studies that have been done; just those I found in a search. Rather than interpret them for you, I will let them speak for themselves. I have put the take-home message in bold and italic. I did not just pick the ones with negative messages; they all showed concern for children raised by BPD and NPD parents (mostly mothers). I have not posted the methodology of the studies for simplicity's sake. If you're interested in learning more about how the research was conducted (for example the number of subjects studied) please follow the links. Some studies may be better designed than others." Title: Re: Helpful resources for court when up against a BPD/NPD affected person Post by: StressedinCleveland on February 27, 2013, 10:20:03 AM The book Splitting is invaluable.
www.amazon.com/Splitting-Protecting-Borderline-Narcissistic-Personality/dp/1608820254 |