Title: Is SO being extra hesitant in from on IN-law so I get frustrated? Post by: NotPerfect on February 20, 2013, 03:58:12 PM Father in law in town for a few days.
I can't tell if SO is being extra hesitant in from on IN-law so I get frustrated? It is working. She just revealed that she has been sick all day with sinus pressure. So, now I am an @sshole. But now I find out she did not take the Psudophed that I made a special trip to the store to get last night. Is this accidentally on purpose? I had an Ah-hah moment when I realized that it is entirely possible that she is doing this so I show the in-law that I am the problem not her. I think I handled her throwing away the $500 check that I disussed with her last night. I believe I said to her, while holding the envelope with the check in it "This company always send me checks in envelopes that look like junkmail" I then put it on top of the microwave. This morning envelope in the garbage. |