
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: benny2 on February 22, 2013, 10:38:12 AM

Title: Do pwBPD notice things more?
Post by: benny2 on February 22, 2013, 10:38:12 AM
I am wondering if this is a common trait with BPD or just something unique to my BPD partner, friend, bf, ex (really not sure what to refer to him at this point). Anyways, he is always noticing everything about me. My hair, my eyes, the way I dress ect. It makes me so self consious. He even told me he notices things that he does'nt mention. Yikes. I am not perfect. Who is? Do they look for flaws? Does this have something to do with them mirroring? Just wondeing if anyone else has experienced this.

Title: Re: Do pwBPD notice things more?
Post by: inepted on February 22, 2013, 11:34:05 AM
My pwBPD does this all the time. One of the reasons why she doesn't have many friends I believe. Its like she has no inner voice sometimes. I dont think they notice things more than anyone else, but just sort of lack that conscience of knowing when not to say something that could come off as rude or insulting. Because to them, they're simply making an observation; to them its no different than if they said the sky is blue.

Title: Re: Do pwBPD notice things more?
Post by: gina louise on February 22, 2013, 12:31:28 PM
my HUSBAND always compared, noticed, made comments and somehow I was lacking.

Especially if it's personal-Looks, smile, boobs, figure, hair... .  He wanted a Trophy Wife but he's NO prize!

He's close to 60 and was ogling the 30 year olds or even the teenagers.

it was gross and made him seem creepy and lecherous.

After a while I started commenting on men. Especially athletes on TV.(something he's NOT) Oh he's HOT, wow he's CUTE! I think that pissed him off.


Title: Re: Do pwBPD notice things more?
Post by: spratrbo on February 23, 2013, 11:36:10 AM
For my wife I believe it is all about image... .  not a TRUE image, but a concern for people's perceptions. Because anything less than perfect is completely flawed. There is no in between. And YOU are an extension of that perfection perception.  The lies, the stories my wife tells people... .  everything MUST paint your SO in a perfect light. I believe my wife knows what's right and wrong, but I also see it being a very fragile deck of cards.

In your situation if you are being scrutinized for your looks, it's time to go! Be strong, set your boundaries, and have enough self respect to say "This is me... .  take it or leave it!"  You are perfect in your own right and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.