
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: SarahinMA on February 26, 2013, 06:33:41 PM

Title: Feeling kind of lost and down this evening
Post by: SarahinMA on February 26, 2013, 06:33:41 PM
Sorry all,

I hate to use this forum to vent about my own personal life, but in all honesty, I'm not sure who else to talk to.  I came across my ex's online dating profile today and it literally shocked me.  I mean, I almost fell out of my seat.  Since he so cruelly broke my heart, lacking any empathy for my feelings, I just have kept telling myself that he is incapable of real love.  He told me repeatedly before we dated that he had always been single and lonely and that I was the best thing that happened to him.  Then, he was done.  Just told me he no longer felt the spark for me (after telling me that I was the love of his life)... .  at the same time, told me he that he always just told me what i wanted to hear.  The breakup got messy... .  I was so hurt and angry while he kept playing victim and blaming me.  He always had a support system of close-knit friends that stood by his side... .  I never really had that. 

A part of me secretly hoped that he would recycle me, or at least try to.  But nothing... .  never.  If he ever missed me in the slightest, he never made it known.  After two years of being together.  I knew he would have a hard time dating because he's incredibly shy and insecure.  But seeing his online dating profile made him seem normal.  He's just like everyone else- he wants to find a girlfriend.   He wants to find someone new.  I've been repeatedly trying to find some validation (https://bpdfamily.com/content/communication-skills-validation), but he really just didn't want to be with ME anymore.  He was so good at making me feel that there was a mutual love there and now I know there wasn't.  It just kind of put things in perspective seeing that profile. 

I seriously hate that we have so many mutual friends... .  i hate that my close friends are friends with him and see him on a normal basis... .  and they don't care about the way he treated me at the end.   I hate that he doesn't care if I'm in his life or not.  And I hate that I legitimately want him to be happy, even after all the pain he's caused in my life.

Thanks for baring with me.  It helps to write it out.  :)

Title: Re: Feeling kind of lost and down this evening
Post by: mango_flower on February 26, 2013, 06:48:15 PM
Hi Sarah, how long has it been? It's 3.5 months for me and I am only just beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if it still is far away! 

I hear you.

It hurts.  And you WILL be ok. xxx

Title: Re: Feeling kind of lost and down this evening
Post by: almost789 on February 26, 2013, 08:22:19 PM
Im sorry Sarah. Your just like most of us here. I found mine checking his email on his profile when I was still with him! Believe me you have missed absolutely nothing but more and worse pain with recycling. They say its worse each time and I found that to be true. I dont even know why mine tried to recycle, he treated me worse than before and I would get angry, and then hed blame me for being angry, the recycles are just a big fat mess. Nothing to envy whatsoever. I became as another poster said his whipping boy or girl rather. They like to provoke this anger in you, it somehow makes them feel better.

Title: Re: Feeling kind of lost and down this evening
Post by: Clearmind on February 26, 2013, 08:58:44 PM
My ex also found online dating - his profile was an interesting read - I never knew he was huge into yoga  

I never recycled with my ex and while he attempted contact one occassion I had everything blocked from day 1.

Sarah, sorry to hear you found the profile - BPD is a disorder of the personality and the next person will see exactly what you saw.

Are you able to do something nice for yourself, visit a friend?