
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Tormenta on February 28, 2013, 04:28:51 AM

Title: 1 month - venting
Post by: Tormenta on February 28, 2013, 04:28:51 AM

How are you?

I´m feeling specially bad today. It´s cause by the LC with my BPDexbf. We see each day at work and he is trying to be friends with me - so it can´t be avoided.

It´s like I have an open wound and he is there to open it constantly.

One day he is charming, the following day he is a j****. Yesterday we were talking about nice things, having laughs and althought he used to mirror me and now he is mirroring a coworker, you can see how he is like. He´s stubborn and close-minded, I think that that keeps him away from being another person and showing his own;  I started to think how awesome he is.

And also, I felt such a huge chemistry that I can´t feel with anyone else.

During the afternoon I got home and felt completely alone and lonely, I started to cry again.

I wrote him a message to the phone about a question of no importance and he didn´t answer. This morning he didn´t even say goodmorning, just talk to everyone except me.

It´s not the first time. It´s been like that a lot these weeks. And althought I know how this works, I can´t help but feeling that Im overcoming our past and then the following day admiring him and feeling more lonely than ever.

I wish I had a man that loved me the way I loved him and just decided to stay there for me. I am tired of feeling lonely.

I don´t get a connection with anyone, not even with my family and best friend. So miserable... .  

I had a dream some days ago: I dreamed with two men that were important for me before I met my ex:

- one was a man from work. I thought he was interesting, a lot of character but funny and he could get together OK, so I was a bit interested. We used to flirt via FB but it didn´t turn out OK.

- the other was a coworker who was married so for me he was a friend. We had the same interests, the way I´ve never found before. Completely in the same wave. One day he said that he had broke up with his wife and started to date a friend, who was very nice and who shared no common interests with him. He pursued her without never talking to her before, he said that it was because he liked her looks - how beautiful and curvy she is and the way she dresses.

So I dreamt that I was writing on my computer and they were behind. I said: "Hey!" everyone wanted to say hi and wanted some attention from me again, they said they felt that I was not interested in them anymore and they needed to have some attention.

It´s me who needs attention, not them.

I need some validation (https://bpdfamily.com/content/communication-skills-validation) and some praises, I guess. It´s sad.

My ex was incapable of telling me that if he thought that I was pretty. I had to hear all his good words for all the girls and none for me. I want to be compensated.

Title: Re: 1 month - venting
Post by: Hutsepotmetworst on February 28, 2013, 04:56:01 AM
Hey Tormenta,

Yesterday was a very bad day for me too. It was one month ago that my exBPDgf dumped me, said she couldn't trust me anymore.

I had the same thougths like you yesterday... .  Is there a woman who wants to love me like I love her, unconditionally, someone who wants to be with me and stick with me. And not leave me when she just feels there's something wrong, when there isn't... .  So frustrating... .  Feeling hopeless and crying... .  

I called her yesterday evening, and we talked about the break-up and about our feelings and thoughts. Now that I know about BPD I listen to her in a total different way. And I know understand how her own mind plays tricks with her... .  We talked over more than an hour, somewhere she mentioned she isn't Borderline (I told her few weeks ago that I suspected that). I didn't go into that again, it's no use. Still, she admits that she was very happy with me, she had a great time with me, but that she is too afraid to go on with the r/s. Is that Borderline or not... .  I don't know, but it's sure she suffers from a big separation anxiety and has very low self-esteem.

I asked her to block me on Facebook, I deleted her number on my phones, so now it's up to me to stay NC.  Tuesday I have an appointment with a T to help me along the way to clear my head and get better.

And tell myself over and over again that I'm worth it to have a good gf, a good r/s, that I didn't do anything wrong and that I'm a good man with a good heart. And hopefully I just believe it one day  :)

Keep the faith in yourself !

Title: Re: 1 month - venting
Post by: Tormenta on March 01, 2013, 04:53:13 PM

Yes, thank you! I´m sure we are worth it to have a good r/s!

Thank you very much, your reply really is a huge help!

Good luck!