
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: lockedout on March 04, 2013, 12:29:12 PM

Title: sick of being called selfish
Post by: lockedout on March 04, 2013, 12:29:12 PM
Last week I had the flu. I was down for the count but out son was fine. Tuesday morning he had a cough and runny nose, so she kept him out of school as a precaution - could have been the flu. She roused me out of bed to come get him from her while I had a 100 degree fever. When I was that he obviously didn't have the flu, I wouldn't take him for the day - why expose him if he may not get it. Fast forward to Friday - he got another fever. My weekend - I gave him Tylenol that night, the fever didn't go away and the diaper rash that probably caused the fever went away and he was fine the rest of the weekend. Yesterday (Sunday) his mother left me a message to tell me she was sick and that I may need to take off from work so she could go to a doctor. I tried calling back twice, no answer. I texted to tell her that he's going to school because he's not sick. No answer - she texted sometime in the night and the text said "no". This morning I tried calling three times. No answer. I drop him off and go to work. Mid-morning I start getting texts "you're so selfish - call the school... .  " "enjoy being selfish". He apparently sprung another fever after I'd dropped him off and she treated me as if I dropped him off knowing about this. She had to go get him.

Now I have two things that she's going to want to get even wth me for: not taking him last week and her having to get him today. I'm extremely aggravated over it. I know she's just mad because I didn't obediently call in sick from work because she said to.