
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Clearmind on March 04, 2013, 04:33:00 PM

Title: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Clearmind on March 04, 2013, 04:33:00 PM
Hi Everyone

I thought I’d pass this on – it was sent to me from a friend of mine.

A FREE 12-week Video Event Series, beginning Monday, March 4, 2013: The Self-Acceptance Project

Finding Our Sense of Fundamental Worthiness (http://www.live.soundstrue.com/selfacceptance/?utm_source=soundstrue&utm_medium=CBT-email&utm_campaign=selfacceptance-130221&_bta_tid=3.RM0.ATkfBQ.AsBc.Fm92... XGiF.b... l.ATe6.a.UScQaA.UScckw.Wlr0FA&_bta_c=c2ya9h2hnqa3q489r3enr4m815vxv)


Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Surnia on March 17, 2013, 05:34:01 AM
I just watched / listened to the intro of this. I loved it. :)

It was also some meet-again for me. My T teached me elements of this, and now I am curious to explore more.

Thank you so much for sharing, Clearmind.

If someone of you has half an hour spare time, try it out! 

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Suzn on March 17, 2013, 04:29:14 PM
This looks very interesting Clearmind, I just signed up. Thanks for posting!

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Whatwasthat on March 17, 2013, 04:31:43 PM

I agree that it looks very interesting.

I registered but found it impossible to access the video and audio initially - this may be a problem at my end with my computer but I've sent an email asking if they're having technical difficulties at their end.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Suzn on March 17, 2013, 04:36:09 PM
I agree that it looks very interesting.

I registered but found it impossible to access the video and audio initially - this may be a problem at my end with my computer but I've sent an email asking if they're having technical difficulties at their end.

I'm getting the same error messages. I'm sure it will be resolved. I doubt we are the only ones getting the error.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Clearmind on March 17, 2013, 09:19:10 PM
Thats a shame - I downloaded the mp3 audio file and put them on my iphone. Maybe its an internet explorer thing - on my iphone its fine even if I stream direct from safari.

I'm up to Session 4 and it certainly is well worth while.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Surnia on March 18, 2013, 01:54:25 AM
Yep, could be a browser problem.

I went through 3 and a half of them yesterday. Yes it is worthwhile. And I am looking forward whats next.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Whatwasthat on March 20, 2013, 07:01:25 AM

The nice Self-Acceptance people got back to me and explained that the content wouldn't work if you tried to access it from a wifi connection - which is my problem I think.

They say that as long as you're using Chrome, Firefox or Safari as your web browser - and are not using wifi - you should be OK.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Clearmind on March 20, 2013, 03:06:17 PM
Thanks WWW for that!

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Mountaineagle on March 20, 2013, 10:42:04 PM
Saw the first session in this series this night. Afterwards i held my chest and comforted myself with my voice, and I started crying. I held my hands on my chest all the time and acknowledged my pain in words and did not let go until I felt calm again. This lasted 30 min. It was such an intense and good experience!

I lack the words to describe it better, I see that what I wrote about the experience does not do it justice at all. I just felt like sharing that I had an amazing experience thanks to this. Thank you so much for posting this Clearmind!

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Clearmind on March 20, 2013, 10:47:22 PM
Mountaineagle -  :'(

Good Lord! - you brought a tear to my eye! You know whats interesting - when we do stop for a moment and acknowledge us, our pain and hurt - and can cry and hug ourselves - we are showing us some compassion and self-love. Crying really is a way to self-soothe.

The younger you got a big ole hug tonight - well deserved.

I'm so pleased you had a great experience.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: laelle on March 21, 2013, 05:16:31 AM
This is absolutely an amazing project.  I just watched the first session and I truly feel inspired.  I think having come from these BPD relationships along with our own self insecurities its a MUST WATCH.    I was really depressed and self judgmental this morning, and now I have learned a new way to love myself.  I am going to watch them every few days and as for that first session, I am sure I will be coming back to it over and over.  Its like a mini meditation session.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Cumulus on March 22, 2013, 05:02:28 PM
If you liked the first speaker, Kristin Neff, you might want to check out her web site, www.self-compassion.org. See how you score on the self compassion test.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: AnotherPhoenix on March 23, 2013, 08:56:11 AM
If you liked the first speaker, Kristin Neff, you might want to check out her web site, www.self-compassion.org. See how you score on the self compassion test.

Hi  ,

I'm finding the videos great.

Kristin Neff's web page on self-compassion that Cumulus referred to: www.self-compassion.org, is packed with great exercises on self-compassion, self-soothing, and self-acceptance that have helped me a lot. These things work together to allow us to be kind and gentle to ourselves. These things also help us a lot with building our self-confidence.

So often I see reminders to be kind and gentle to ourselves on these boards. I often also see questions on how to improve self-compassion, self-soothing, and self-acceptance, or just how to stop being so critical of ourselves and be kinder to ourselves.

The Self-acceptance project and www.self-compassion.org give us a lot of ways how to do this as well as some good exercise. www.self-compassion.org also has some guided meditations that helped me get a lot more self-compassion.

AnotherPheonix    |iiii

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Mountaineagle on March 23, 2013, 11:24:20 PM
Wow! I went to www.self-compassion.org and recognized Kristin Neff from a documentary I saw a couple of years ago, the Horse Boy. That movie touched me deeply then, not exactly on topic but worth watching.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Surnia on April 02, 2013, 05:50:23 AM
This week: Brene Brown and Tara Brach.  :)

Both were a big source of inspiration for me in the past. I am curious about the talks.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Maryiscontrary on April 02, 2013, 05:53:46 AM
I have watched 5 of these videos... .   this project is a work of art.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Clearmind on April 02, 2013, 06:22:17 AM
Thanks Surnia and you reminded me that Brene Brown also did that awesome video on The power of vulnerability - sure its on youtube.

Mary, aren't they fabulous!

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Maryiscontrary on April 02, 2013, 07:34:47 AM
Yes that Brene Brown one was great. I have been following her for a while. This is really an excellent effort Tami, the one putting it all together has done.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Surnia on April 02, 2013, 07:38:42 AM
I just have watched the video of Brené.

Worthiness and shame. I cannot describe how important her words are for me. I spent so many years with shame and to get rid of... .   which never worked and lead me to perfection which didn't work neither.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: AnotherPhoenix on April 02, 2013, 08:31:00 AM
These videos seem so foundational for many of us on our road to recovery. The are very good for me.


Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Surnia on April 08, 2013, 12:50:02 AM
Hi guys and girls  :)

today are coming probably new ones. So perhaps you may listen to the older ones?

(Just bumping a bit   )

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: TeaAmongRoses on April 08, 2013, 02:17:52 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm signed up and enjoying it very much!


Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Clearmind on April 23, 2013, 04:22:45 AM
Session 15: Developing a Wise Mind - started last night

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: heartandwhole on April 24, 2013, 08:23:00 AM
Sessions 15 and 16 are awesome!  Session 15 because it talks about DBT and wise mind, session 16 because it goes into the undivided self (which I'm really into   )

Thanks so much for the links.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: MaybeSo on April 24, 2013, 12:20:04 PM
The series is excellent.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: maria1 on April 24, 2013, 02:39:36 PM
I just watched number 1. Absolutely blown away by it. I am so rubbish at being kind to myself. I cried at the end when she taught a self compassion exercise. I put both hands on my heart and actually stroked up and down one of my arms with my other arm while one hand stayed on my heart.

It felt good. It felt really warming. Wow.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Surnia on May 06, 2013, 09:39:04 AM
Just listened some of them, I agree, 16 about the wise mind is great!

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: arabella on May 08, 2013, 04:17:07 PM
I just signed up and watched the first video. It was much better than I was expecting (I don't know what I was expecting, but this was better)!

Thank you for linking to this series. Also an extra shout-out to maria1 who posted on a thread of mine and encouraged me to take a look at the Project - much appreciated!

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: TigerEye on May 16, 2013, 04:05:05 PM
What a truly wonderful series so far, it's been another  :light: moment which have happened so often since I first found this site.

The first video had me in tears also, I now can see that self-compassion was something that didn't exist in my life. I'm up to 3 so far and all have spoken to me in a way that hasn't been achieved in my T up until now, I haven't been able to afford private T and the services available through the CMHT are limited and sporadic, I have found that quite disheartening, but these videos have opened my eyes to issues I didn't really understand, I highly recommend taking a look.

Like it or loathe it, this BPD can send you on a real journey of self discovery if you've got the willingness to take it on.

My best wishes to all those who are taking that journey  

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: maria1 on May 16, 2013, 05:01:14 PM
TigerEye- I'm guessing you're in UK? You probably know this already but the CMHT tend to only offer CBT because it's a cheap return in that it's proven to give results over a short time scale. However I believe that deeper, more intense, psychodynamic therapy is necessary to get beneath the issues that cause the thoughts and behaviours that CBT works to change.

My experience of CBT on the NHS wasn't good at all.

I got on a waiting list for a women's charity that offered subsidised therapy. It's worth asking and asking whether any charities offer anything in your area. I'm aware that I'm very lucky. I waited a good few months but it was worth it- I'm now in a weekly group which is absolutely amazing and which I can afford.

Saying that- the Self Acceptance Project is so good I really think it can make a real difference to us.

Good luck with it.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: TigerEye on May 17, 2013, 03:16:56 AM
Hey Maria1

You're spot on. I won't hijack this thread with more thoughts, I'll start a new thread when I'm ready. Thanks for your advice, I'll start looking to see what else is available in my area. The 'off the shelf' NHS CBT isn't sitting well with me, it feels like they are trying to make me fit one of the packages on offer and I know that isn't enough for me. I immediately found the intellectual level of these videos appealing, I know myself to be understanding driven and the contributor's explanations and exercises really resonate with me, I'm looking forward to exploring the rest of the series.

Thank you.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: seeking balance on August 29, 2013, 10:52:20 AM
Good bump u[ Clearmind.   |iiii

I watched this entire series a few months ago and it was all VERY good.  There are a lot of folks struggling with core self worth issues and this series could be a valuable tool for gaining an "aha" moment and perhaps making some small changes in thought patterns.

All the speakers are quite excellent.



Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Clearmind on August 29, 2013, 04:31:02 PM
They really are priceless - I'm seeing quite a few threads on Personal Inventory with negative self talk and some holding shame - this series really does hit the right note on exactly what we are trying to move through here.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Surnia on August 29, 2013, 10:22:33 PM
Great, I didn't know that are still available... . And yes, I can recommend it too.  |iiii

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Surnia on December 25, 2013, 05:53:06 AM
I just checked it, they are still available  :).  You have to sign in with an Email address (you can unsubscribe later). For those who are interested.

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Gidget on December 25, 2013, 06:30:33 AM
Will watch

Title: Re: The Self-Acceptance Project - free 12 week video series
Post by: Clearmind on January 27, 2014, 10:58:10 PM
Hi Everyone

I thought I’d pass this on – it was sent to me from a friend of mine.

A FREE 12-week Video Event Series, beginning Monday, March 4, 2013: The Self-Acceptance Project

Finding Our Sense of Fundamental Worthiness (http://www.live.soundstrue.com/selfacceptance/?utm_source=soundstrue&utm_medium=CBT-email&utm_campaign=selfacceptance-130221&_bta_tid=3.RM0.ATkfBQ.AsBc.Fm92... XGiF.b... l.ATe6.a.UScQaA.UScckw.Wlr0FA&_bta_c=c2ya9h2hnqa3q489r3enr4m815vxv)


Still available. Click link above and scroll to the bottom of page to register your email. You can download them to your smart phone and listen to them whenever.

Certainly well worth the effort.