
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: connect on March 08, 2013, 07:12:39 AM

Title: My uBPDbf vomits when he is overwhelmed...
Post by: connect on March 08, 2013, 07:12:39 AM
Another question... .  

My one does this - he does this after he has been raging but knows he is in the wrong (I think) and has hurt me.

Anyone else seen this?

Title: Re: My uBPDbf vomits when he is overwhelmed...
Post by: Rockylove on March 08, 2013, 07:21:16 AM
I don't mean to laugh at this, but it is a bit funny.  I do believe that the mental part becomes physical though.  I've seen my bf become very "ill" aches, pains, headache or whatever afterward.

Title: Re: My uBPDbf vomits when he is overwhelmed...
Post by: Somewhere on March 08, 2013, 08:57:36 AM

This is as common as dirt.

Mrs. Somewhere is now back a little over 90 days from Re-Hab for . . . an Eating Disorder . . .  that is the more clinical name for the Barfologic Response you are observing -- at least once it becomes an established habit and diagnosis in its own right.

[not saying that ALL Eating Disorders are part of BPD, but rather that BPD often carries along Eating Disorders, along with Alcoholism, Drug Addictions, Self-Injury and all the rest that is part of the checklist]

All sorts of things can "help" folks with Emotional Dysregulation sedate and calm their brains -- Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, Cutting-Self-Injury, Eating Disorders, on and on -- all of these shift the Chemical (im)balance of the brain very quickly and effectively.  Self Medication, as it were. 

If a struggling BPD figures out these can help maintain Emotional Regulation -- even though all cause other harm, in a condition called Co-Morbidity -- they can become their own habits and addictions.

Title: Re: My uBPDbf vomits when he is overwhelmed...
Post by: LetItBe on March 08, 2013, 10:11:22 AM
I haven't seen my uBPDbf do that, connect, but then again, I'm not sure of everything he's doing when he withdraws.  He does tend to get major aches and pains, sore throat, headache, sick, etc.  It seems to happen when he's struggling with feelings of unworthiness, which seems to happen when I've (usually very carefully, with validation, DEARMAN, etc.) voiced my needs being any different than what he's currently doing.  Sometimes there is a delay before his emotions fully surface after an interaction like that, but the body doesn't lie. 

Title: Re: My uBPDbf vomits when he is overwhelmed...
Post by: benny2 on March 08, 2013, 10:46:13 AM
Mine gets bad stomach aches when he is under self-induced stress. He even suggested that I was poisioning him. lol

Title: Re: My uBPDbf vomits when he is overwhelmed...
Post by: Somewhere on March 08, 2013, 11:05:03 AM
Mine gets bad stomach aches when he is under self-induced stress. He even suggested that I was poisioning him. lol

Well, It Cannot BE ME . . . .  Soo . . .  It Must BE YOU!

Yeah, Mrs. Somewhere had herself (and perhaps anyone who would listen) believing that I was the cause of her Eating Disorder.

Guess I must of listened a little a bit, too.

I recall one Alanon meeting where I was asking --

(all teary eyed)  What do you do when they tell you that YOU cause it?

Whole group just stopped, stared at me, and started laughing out loud.

I just stared back, stunned.

Finally one stopped laughing and said, "Honey!  We Have All Heard THAT!"

Then they went back to laughing harder.   *)


Triple C on all this stuff.


Did not Cause It.

Cannot Control It.

Cannot Cure It.