
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 02:44:09 PM

Title: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 02:44:09 PM
Ok, I know not to take this personal, but being told I am the child and everything is my fault and if I dont straighten up im out... .  I am sitting here in shock.  I ignored it and told him I was here if he wanted to talk, and then he stopped talking to me.  

I'm like    Its not me, right?

I need hugs and stuff.   :'(

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: LetItBe on March 16, 2013, 02:51:08 PM
You are correct -- it's not your fault!  I know how it can really hurt even armed with that knowledge.  It's BPD, not you. Sending you a big dose of "don't take it personally" and lots of hugs! 

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 02:53:31 PM
 :'( :'( :'(

Guess I will leave him alone for a few days and then see if he can get that big stick removed from his behind, or maybe I just wont.

Does anyone want to be my boyfriend because I dont like this one anymore?  :'(

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: myself on March 16, 2013, 03:05:07 PM
laelle, sorry you are going through this. I am too. Got back together with my gf, couldn't stay away, there's too much love. Things were going very well, then she flipped again and I get the blame. I reached out to her so we could talk but she refuses (we don't live together anymore). She said communication is key but then is the one who won't answer her phone or get together to talk in person. So I reach out, which gets her withdrawing, then I reach out more thinking being loving will help but it makes her go even farther away. So I sit patiently waiting to see if we'll really talk sometime but the hours pass by and when she does text back or whatever it's just being mean and cold and wrecking the goodness between us. So I feel for you. Wish I knew what to say to help you but all I have right now is support from someone also going through this. Plus this: 

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: GreenMango on March 16, 2013, 03:09:30 PM
  its real easy to blame things all on one person.  We know this rarely is true.

Is this his extinction burst over the boundary with money?

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 03:12:45 PM
He mentioned that I argued about money, then I wanted to be back on his facebook.  Then he opened up that he was tired of fighting about the same stuff, that he never gets to go anywhere, that I never give him any space and that I am a child and he feels like he is in a childish relationship and that I need to change.    

When I have an opinion its called being a btch.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: GreenMango on March 16, 2013, 03:16:22 PM
Looking at the tools and falling back on those for this situation what would be some good ones?

It sounds like he's throwing a tantrum.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 03:19:59 PM
There is nothing I can do atm.  He isnt listening to reason.  I told him that I didnt want things to end, and that it was his decision.  That I would be here for him if he wants to talk.  I cant validate right now other than to say I know the situation is hard.

He stopped talking to me anyway.  I told him I was coming to see him in April.  He didnt respond but he didnt tell me not to either.  He just ignores me.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 03:23:16 PM
Thank you myself and I truly sorry that your in a similar situation as me.  Its not easy to love someone and be the reason for all their problems.

I really hope things improve for you, but the rages are never easy eh?    right back at you.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: GreenMango on March 16, 2013, 03:54:56 PM
Laelle you are doing what you can.  Using the tools.  You are good at knowing where to apply them.

Maybe just waiting like mentioned.  It's hard though.  Do you have some feel good things you can do for you right now?  Walk or massage etc? 

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 03:56:17 PM
Amareto and Coke  |iiii and talking to an old friend.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: GreenMango on March 16, 2013, 04:01:10 PM
Amareto and Coke  |iiii and talking to an old friend.

 have some much needed fun and relaxation.  It's very easy to get wrapped up in their stuff and sometimes nothing works besides letting them run outta steam.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 04:05:42 PM
Yeah, I guess ill have to.  Dont want to go in for tongue lashing #2 

Thank you for helping me to take a moment and check myself.  I am not a child.  If I am a child he is a bigger one than I am.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: daze on March 16, 2013, 04:10:05 PM
I'm with you, laelle!  Everything this weekend is my fault too.     It will pass.

An Amaretto and coke and talking with friends sound good. 

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 04:18:42 PM
Hey daze, we are both in the doghouse this weekend I see.  I hope it passes.  Wish it would never come back.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: coworkerfriend on March 16, 2013, 04:25:42 PM

It is not you.  You did not break it and you can't fix it.  You are doing what you can.

Everything this past week has been completely my fault according to my pwBPD.  It sounds like we have been having similar conversations.  I know that exact feeling - wishing it would pass and wishing that this kind of week would never come back.  But it does come back.

My rage period is ending with him. He is exhausted.  I can see it in his eyes.

Waiting it out is hard - glad you are doing it with a friend. 

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 16, 2013, 04:32:24 PM
thank you coworkerfriend.  He sounds like he hates me. I am glad that yours is ending.  I will go do something tomorrow.  I got paid today. 

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: daze on March 16, 2013, 04:47:10 PM
I wish it would never come back too.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: hellokitty4 on March 16, 2013, 05:34:49 PM
no matter what kind of relationship... bf/gf, husband/wife, friend/friend, parent/child I am finding the language to be the same. It's like they went to some kind of BPD school to be speaking in the same way.I never thought it would this difficult to love someone so dearly and yet not know where you stand from day to day.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: LetItBe on March 16, 2013, 06:07:12 PM
I wish it would never come back too.

Me, too! 

I really do admire you sticking up for your boundaries, laelle.  Sounds like he's throwing a huge tantrum for sure. 

I like to put things into 2 categories when I'm feeling foggy:  His Stuff | My Stuff.  It really helps when I feel like my mind is spinning in endless thought loops.  When an intrusive thought comes in, if I'm able, I automatically assign it to "His Stuff" if it doesn't belong in my head.

Wish I could join you for some Amaretto and Coke.   

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: daze on March 16, 2013, 06:17:24 PM
I like to put things into 2 categories when I'm feeling foggy:  His Stuff | My Stuff.  It really helps when I feel like my mind is spinning in endless thought loops.  When an intrusive thought comes in, if I'm able, I automatically assign it to "His Stuff" if it doesn't belong in my head.

Thank you!  That is a very helpful thing to remember!

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: elemental on March 16, 2013, 08:05:37 PM
I agree he is having some sort of tantrum.

I would just go quiet on him and go do other things. It's really hard, I know. 

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: waverider on March 16, 2013, 08:10:28 PM
I like to put things into 2 categories when I'm feeling foggy:  His Stuff | My Stuff.  It really helps when I feel like my mind is spinning in endless thought loops.  When an intrusive thought comes in, if I'm able, I automatically assign it to "His Stuff" if it doesn't belong in my head.

Thank you!  That is a very helpful thing to remember!

You are individuals, that ability to recognize his stuff from your stuff is essential, it reduces enmeshment and codependency. It will reduce the tendency to make reactive decisions based on what their reactions may, or may not, be, rather than what is right. It will help you to retain objectivity and better goals.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: myself on March 16, 2013, 09:10:51 PM
Thanks laelle, that's kind of you. Hope things improve soon for all of us.

You are individuals, that ability to recognize his stuff from your stuff is essential, it reduces enmeshment and codependency. It will reduce the tendency to make reactive decisions based on what their reactions may, or may not, be, rather than what is right. It will help you to retain objectivity and better goals.

I had been doing better as far as not reacting/overreacting to what was being said and done, but not as well the past few days and I see how that made it worse for both of us. It's hard to stick with being calm and balanced when the blame and pain clouds start pouring, but being myself (emotions included) helps. Our hearts turn away the b.s.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: patientandclear on March 16, 2013, 09:35:09 PM
that I never give him any space and that I am a child and he feels like he is in a childish relationship and that I need to change.

He will never ever EVER find anyone better at giving him space.  If he maintains this position -- poor him.  This is an epic life long screw up.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 17, 2013, 03:25:01 AM
Sorry Guys im in France, so I was asleep for alot of those last kind replies.

Nongf - Thank you, I did not realize he was in a full fledge dyregulation until he emailed me all that horrible insulting stuff last nite.

I sat and thought to myself, I may not be the most mature person in the world, but im not the ignoring, stamping my foot, and blaming everyone else for my problems.   Yes, I would love to share a drink with you too. 

Elemental- I have two children and I really resent having to put up with a 3 year olds tantrum in a 34 year old man.

Hellokitty- my exhusband was around when it happened last nite.  He said, it seems funny, but he is saying the exact same thing he said the last time he went off on you... .  and he is right.  Almost word for word.

Waverider - I listened to him and I did explain vaguely the original situation that set him off.  The other stuff I just told him I was trying to hear what he was saying.  Asking him questions about his questions to which I was called Marla Maples (whoever that is), but when he started to tell me I had to change on things that I did not feel needed changing I ignored the statement and told him again that I was here if he wanted to talk.  He got the message and went away.  He did email NN when he went to bed but I was already passed out. 

Patient - He's an idiot.  It made me think last nite.  You know, he use to say the same thing to me while he was with his ex, who is he complaining too when its me who is the bad guy?   

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: yeeter on March 17, 2013, 05:51:33 AM
Categorizing the ownership - and recognizing what truly is yours to own, is a critical step.

Remember - its impossible (or at a minimum very very difficult) for a BPD to take responsibility for something.  Even a relatively minor 'blame' or 'acceptance of fault', is internalized as 'oh my god I am a truly evil person and dont deserve to live'.  :)eep feelings of shame.  Consider the all black or all white thinking process, and how this must play out to them internally.

Im just saying, if they are one of two people in the room and there is something to cast blame for - it cannot be them (their thought process cant allow it) - so that means its you.  For whatever it is.

So for me... .  working together to determine 'whos fault' anything is, is a lost cause.  Triggering, and digresses quickly from there.  No matter how much 'I' would like it if my partner would just own up to something.  Its not about me.  Its something, that isnt possible for them - so I shouldnt expect it to happen.

But you cant own it either.  And this means gaining your own confidence as a person back.  Watching your own side of the street and behavior, and avoiding the fleas of being in the relationship.  

Time prioritized for taking care of your own emotional health is critical for this.  Read a book, take a walk, exercise, socialize with other friends and family.  Especially be sure you are interacting with other healthy people, that give you energy, on a regular basis.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: yeeter on March 17, 2013, 05:58:45 AM
I really resent having to put up with a 3 year olds tantrum in a 34 year old man.

The resentment will eat you up.  Fact is, you ARE dealing with an emotionally undeveloped person.  This means its NOT equal or fair, and you are providing a caregiving role in the relationship.  Understanding that asking someone who has only the development of a 12 year old, to suddenly start acting like a well developed 34 year old - is unlikely to be successful.

And a comment:  I notice my alcohol consumption goes up or down with the amount of stress I am experiencing.  It works for the evening, but be careful of this becoming the mechanism by which you sooth your own emotions.  Same for food.  (two of my favorites, alcohol and food).  Find some other - healthier - outlets.  You will need them in the long run, and these two in particular are hugely damaging to your long term health.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 17, 2013, 06:08:26 AM
I do realize that ducks cant bark and dogs cant quack, but this isnt really about him.  Its about me.

I know him, how he is, the right steps, the right words... .  Its been 4 months since I have gotten the really rotten end of him.  

Its taken 4 months and a little help from me for him to crack.  He will crack again and again and again.  The things he cracked about are things that are important to me.  He wont budge, I wont budge... .  I feel im wasting my time.

Dont worry about my alcohol consumption, the last time I had a drink was 4 months ago.   :)

I had a surgery where I cant gain weight, but yeah, feeding or drinking emotions wont help in the long term.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: waverider on March 17, 2013, 06:28:19 AM
And a comment:  I notice my alcohol consumption goes up or down with the amount of stress I am experiencing.

This is true I noticed it happening to me, That bottle of wine in the evening went from being a chill out reward after a hard day, to a blocking medication against resentment , after a while that wasn't enough and I often opened a second.

Then I woke up and started working on me instead of blocking the RS with wine, but it was a close enough call to make me realize many nons will have been driven to drink by a pwBPD. Now I can enjoy a wine again in a healthy way without it being a means to block

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 17, 2013, 06:40:05 AM
I understand what you mean about needing a positive outlet.  

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: Rockylove on March 17, 2013, 07:48:01 AM

laelle, YOU ROCK!  You are strong and loving~none of his behavior can take that away from you.

I still think there's something in the air~~too many BPD's on edge... .  maybe it's the change in season!  LOL

In the past 2 weeks I have gone from being the "most wonderful woman on earth" to the biggest b*tch (among other colorful names) to ever live and back so many times that I'm stunned.  I don't even see how it's possible for the switch to happen that quickly!  If I didn't know that it was BPD I'd be dizzy from it.  I'm just sort of sitting back and letting him have his crazies and try not to get involved LOL

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: waverider on March 17, 2013, 07:51:51 AM

laelle, YOU ROCK!  You are strong and loving~none of his behavior can take that away from you.

I still think there's something in the air~~too many BPD's on edge... .  maybe it's the change in season!  LOL

In the past 2 weeks I have gone from being the "most wonderful woman on earth" to the biggest b*tch (among other colorful names) to ever live and back so many times that I'm stunned.  I don't even see how it's possible for the switch to happen that quickly!  If I didn't know that it was BPD I'd be dizzy from it.  I'm just sort of sitting back and letting him have his crazies and try not to get involved LOL

Do you think there is a bit of extinction burst happening here as you stand your boundaries more?

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: waverider on March 17, 2013, 07:53:25 AM
Defending our boundaries is more than a response in times of conflict - it's a lifestyle. Learn how to get in touch with your values, define and communicate boundaries of those values, and defend against boundary busters. ~ Skip

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 17, 2013, 07:55:55 AM
Aww, thank you Rocky, you really made my day.  :)

He is talking, but I need some time to think about this.  I am happy for the moment having LC.

If he was to ask at the moment, I dont know what I would say.  im pretty bitter.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 17, 2013, 08:00:45 AM
As you may know when I told him I would help him get an apartment but not pay his rent he got really hurt and ignored me for 2 days.

He came back after I just let him go with a "im here if you need to talk", but he still blames me for hurting him.  He feels Its him who is being the bigger person.  I think that along with me wanting back on his facebook.  He totally lost it.  I am forbidden to ask to be on facebook, so I get dumped.

Its not that I had to get on his facebook,  I know the problems it caused and I am a valid part of that,  its that he dumped me without a thought and removed me from his life in 5 seconds.  Whats to keep him from doing that the next time I voice my opinion.  He considers my voicing my opinion as being a btch.  Seems like im chasing my tail.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 17, 2013, 08:07:20 AM
Thinking back on it, most of his rages come from me placing a boundary (definition unknown to me at the time)  As I didnt realize I relented easily.

It always starts with me telling him how something wont be with me, then he ignores me, then I will say something and he jumps me and dumps me or ignores me for longer.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 17, 2013, 08:08:49 AM
He says its me being a btch and he knew it was coming because of the stupid thing I said the other day about paying the rent and stuff.

That I just have to argue sometimes for no reason and that I cant help myself.

We have had 4 fantastic months and in 15 seconds its thrown in the garbage.  How could I ever have any peace with that?

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: Rockylove on March 17, 2013, 08:26:01 AM
Do you think there is a bit of extinction burst happening here as you stand your boundaries more?

(Not to change the subject or detract from laelle's feelings)  It seems that since I've not engaged in the stupid arguments or reacted to his rages, he's become more intent on trying to get me to engage.  If he wants a fight, he can find it elsewhere.  I'm not playing that game any more.  Now that I understand that it's a BPD thing and not me I have no reason to try to defend myself.  He has shouted obscenities at me from another room and a couple of times come into the room I'm in to shout at me, but I just ignore it and the next morning he's back to loving me.  I know the stress level is extremely high right now and that's causing much of this, but that will end soon and we'll likely have a lovely spring/summer and I'll gear up during the fall for a stormy winter.

Hang tough with your boundaries, laelle!  It's what makes you the strong person :)

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: waverider on March 17, 2013, 05:31:39 PM
If occasionally relent on a boundary it will make it worse, as that reinforces you will cave if pressured enough. Its called Intermittent Reinforcement.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: laelle on March 18, 2013, 02:13:34 AM
If occasionally relent on a boundary it will make it worse, as that reinforces you will cave if pressured enough. Its called Intermittent Reinforcement.

My problem is finding a fairness in the boundary in between what a normal relationship would be and a relationship with a BPD given our situation.

At least at this moment, being forced to start over AGAIN, I can put down those boundaries.  We usually break up a few times when we get back together because he is unrelenting in getting back exactly what he had.  He wants to lose none of his ground and me have to gain all mine back.

I wont forget being discarded like a piece of garbage.  He lost everything right there.

Title: Re: talked to him and got told everything is my fault
Post by: TigerEye on March 18, 2013, 05:21:26 AM
Hey laelle

You know the answer to your problem, the fairness is living to your values. Where I fear you are is being caught up in a little FOG, although it may appear to be just mist!

It's a hard thing to accept that you are standing by who you are, and in that, you may have to move on from the person to whom you have invested so much time, patience and love, but you're doing this for you primarily. Don't forget that you have been discarded, but keep in mind why you've been, you're standing up for yourself - they will resist 

He's testing you to see how far you intend to take this, stand firm young lady, strength be with you.