
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: Eco on March 16, 2013, 10:03:16 PM

Title: very bad 2 days
Post by: Eco on March 16, 2013, 10:03:16 PM
hey everyone here is the previous post leading to this


Well I sensed the good behavior from my uNPD/BPDxgf was coming to a end. last weekend turned out to be a good weekend we got along better then we have in 8 months, we had a good conversation about our R/S and decided that we should focus on being friends and co parents and work on repairing things between us. she seemed relieved that there was no pressure of us being in a R/S or getting back together any time soon, we have a baby that was born on 3-3-13 so I wanted to focus on the newborn.

during last weekend she was behaving so well with me I started to think she made some big changes in her thinking but a few things she did that reminded me she was still very disordered in her thinking an example.  while i was with all 3 kids in the van she went into the store to exchange something she left the radio on I turned it down and when she got back in the car she said " did you turn the radio down?" I told her i did because i wanted some quiet she then asked is this your car? I said no, she then said this just isnt going to work out between us! really? because i turned the music down? I didnt respond to that at all.

another strange thing is when we first got together she sent me a request on facebook to be in a R/S with her I accepted it, when she ended the R/S 6 months ago she never changed her facebook statis it still says we are in a R/S. well over the weekend I asked her why she hasnt changed it she said " because you sent me the request to be in a R/S not me, I dont know why you havent changed it yet" I reminded her that she in fact sent me the request she flat out denied doing that so i let it drop. distorted reality

ok so last week was good between us I had been seeing the baby everyday and my xgf and i were getting along good untill thursday when I could sense she was being very sharp toned with me, I didnt take it personaly and chalked it up to her being tired from dealing with the baby. yesterday(friday) I texted her that i couldnt come over directly after work like i planned because I had to pick my mom up from the dr.she didnt respond, later when I saw her she went off on me about how I do whatever I want and never discuss anything with her. I validated and didnt let it bother me and we talked things out, we then made plans for today(saturday) to go see her friend at the hospital who just had a baby my job was to watch her 2 kids(2 and 8)at the hospital while she visited her friend.

so today(saturday) I was on my way to get her when my serpentine belt shreaded on my car and i broke down on the side of the road, I called her to let her know and she flys into a rage at me about how im not helping her at all and how I make bad decisions all the time saying  " how can you buy a car like that and its not even paid off "

she hung up on me and called back saying " well im obviously not going to be able to do what I wanted today" I tried to validate her but she wanted no part of it and hung up on me.

I didnt get my car fixed untill 630 today(saturday) I texted her and told her that and asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital to see her frien tomorrow(sunday) but i got no response from her, I tried calling her an hr later and she didnt answer. so i guess i will just go see her and my daughter tomorrow(sunday) and see what happens.

I know its the disorder but she made it clear that we were just going to be co parents, I think she is acting like we are a couple again. am i wrong to think that?

Title: Re: very bad 2 days
Post by: Rockylove on March 17, 2013, 09:03:30 AM
   BPD coupled with post-partum hormonal weirdness... .  I certainly feel for you right now!  All I can offer you is cyber hugs and hope for a better tomorrow.