
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: rockhardabsman on March 21, 2013, 11:17:45 PM

Title: She traded up
Post by: rockhardabsman on March 21, 2013, 11:17:45 PM
Funny just found out today she traded up. I just turned 30 last week, she's 25. The new "old" guy is a guy she got physical with in the past before me, hes 26. Apparently he is in the same line of work as me, computers owns 5 computer repair shops too. I make 6 figures, but this guy must be pretty damn good if he owns 5 shops. Oh well guess I can only hope he's slightly introverted and she will eat him alive. But guess it doesn't matter, it stings regardless.

You would think since he does what I do for a living that it would cause triggers and she would be somewhat reminded of me.

Title: Re: She traded up
Post by: Vindi on March 22, 2013, 08:59:32 AM
she's just recycling and will put this guy thru the same hell she probably put you thru.  Jumping from relationship to relationship is not healthy, and obviously this gal just needs someone in her life to make her feel whole. Be thankful she traded up!

Title: Re: She traded up
Post by: tut-uncommon on March 22, 2013, 12:39:39 PM


Just consider this. She can only go so far in a relationship. This latest one will crash and burn also.

Now,YOU will be the one who can "trade up"

next time, you can find someone who will appreciate you and not dump you because you pulled some "trigger" of hers.

Hopefully you will know enough to spot toxic people better so this will not happen again.

Title: Re: She traded up
Post by: marbleloser on March 22, 2013, 01:22:35 PM
Define "trading up".If it's all about money,then perhaps she has.To me though,money doesn't make the person.Make a list of the qualities you want in a partner.Then,see how many of those qualities she has.When you find a partner with those qualities,regardless of their status or income,I'd say you traded up as well. :)

Title: Re: She traded up
Post by: tut-uncommon on March 22, 2013, 08:48:59 PM

Just to clarify my previous statement (I wrote in a huff-sorry if it came off blaring?)

She's not trading up anything. She's going to go and ruin another innocent person.

BUT, you are not!

Once you are ready to start dating again, you will be wiser to the wolves that most of us didnt know about out there. Then, YOU will be the one trading up. I'm just glad you (or I) didnt ruin your business or your health or that you didnt go through years of misery trying to hold on when she is the one at fault.

I'm in the same boat.