
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Mark2430 on April 26, 2013, 08:36:31 PM

Title: Dazed and Confused Broke up with my BPD GF... What to expect?
Post by: Mark2430 on April 26, 2013, 08:36:31 PM
I don't want to bore you with the long details but bare wih me... .  recently I had been seeing someone it started quickly with her professkng her love for me after our first date, and things developed quickly from there, we talked alot and saw each other a couple times over the next 5 weeks, and I was suppose to go visit her for a few days but honestly was tired of the mood swings and the verbal abuse, and I told her that I wouldn't be coming if she was going to continue hammering me, and then she unleashed a tirade of texts on me calling me every name in the book, I had no contact with her and then a week later she texts me that "No guy will ever compare to me and how she feels about me" I responded by telling her Thanks that means alot and she has a special place in my heart, she then responded asking me if that was closure lol... .  I told her a week ago she told me to got to hell and die and then she tells me no guy will ever compare to me, and that I love her but I don't want to be called names, accused of cheating all the time (which this was a constant) and have her throw things that I say back in my face all the time so she responded that I was a jerk and a bunch of four letter words and that I was cocky and she never was in love with me it was just a challenge for her and I'm the opposite of any guy she has ever dated and that she was ok never seeing me or talking to me again... .  So I responded Thanks and take care... .  My question is its been 12 days since that conversation I have read an enormous amount on BPD and I am wondering if you think she will attempt to make contact again or will she just move on... .  ? Any experience or insight would be helpful

Title: Re: Dazed and Confused Broke up with my BPD GF... What to expect?
Post by: delgato on April 26, 2013, 11:48:49 PM
There's always a decent chance that she'll try to contact again. She may, or may not.

If she does, it could be days, weeks, months, even years... .  

I think it's pretty cool that you're reading up on it. Gives a lot more insight into it all. Personally speaking, I did it for my own sanity (& still do).

Just be mindful not to get caught up too much into it, either. There are lots of other things in life. :)

Title: Re: Dazed and Confused Broke up with my BPD GF... What to expect?
Post by: Validation78 on April 27, 2013, 07:39:29 AM
Hi Mark!

She may continue to contact you, and if you continue to respond, why wouldn't she? She throws out the hook, and you bite! If you're sure that this is not the relationship for you, just ignore her calls, texts, emails, etc. You have the power to control what happens next. Decide what is right for you. Live your truth. It doesn't matter what she does!

Best Wishes,
