
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: sosodestroyed on April 28, 2013, 10:04:52 PM

Title: Saw him driving around town, I think I handled it well
Post by: sosodestroyed on April 28, 2013, 10:04:52 PM
Tomorrow its exactly two weeks ago that I saw future ex for the last time. This last thursday I had a record low in emotions, I have never ever felt this low.

I took the kids out for dinner tonight and all the sudden we see his car passing through the intersection. I know he looked at us... .  I kept a straight face and went on my way!

I can still not understand why he choose to do what he did, leaving our family shattered, broken. Its like a death in the family. One day he is here, the next he is gone, out of our lives, ordered not to contact us again and to stay away from us... .  

I felt strong, and I will be stronger every day!

Title: Re: Saw him driving around town, I think I handled it well
Post by: heyhey on April 29, 2013, 12:20:44 AM
Well done!  I dont know how i would react if i saw my ex.  We live close so its bound to happen eventually.  I too cant understand my ex's actions, they do what they do because they are not well.  Not sure if you two were married, that im sure makes it harder.  Best thing is to focus on yourself and your kids, which im sure is what you are doing.

Hang in there.

Title: Re: Saw him driving around town, I think I handled it well
Post by: Surnia on April 29, 2013, 01:21:15 AM

|iiii and 

I felt strong, and I will be stronger every day!

Keep going like this!

Title: Re: Saw him driving around town, I think I handled it well
Post by: sosodestroyed on April 29, 2013, 10:50:25 AM
Married for 12 years, 13 years together. For this man I left my homecountry and family and friends behind, just to get trapped in a intimidating relationship with abuse. In the beginning of April I had to take care of my gravely ill mother back home, to come home and to find out that he had done some lewd valicious acts with my daughter (9). That was it, that was the limit. I called authorities, he got arrested and bailed out. He is staying in our business that we both build up from the ground and I had to beg for my job back that he had told me to quit back in Febr. because I would make more money together with him in our business.

I can not tell you how low I have been in these last two weeks, but if it takes two weeks to quit an addiction to this relationship and to be done with the withdrawl, then I'll take it any day!

I cleaned house, in all aspects... .  and it feels good! I am sure there will be days coming where he will start saying that I am making false statements, but I know better and God is my witness, I do not need other validation anymore... .  other then from God and my therapist who I will see in an hour for the first time!

Title: Re: Saw him driving around town, I think I handled it well
Post by: heyhey on April 29, 2013, 07:52:25 PM
Yes you are better off without him.  I too have hit kind of a low point as well but with time i will crawl my way out.  Its good you are in therapy, that will be a big help.  These type of people can be heartless at times and its hard to get past some of the wrongs they have done, time and no contact will heal though.

Stay strong