
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: lostkitten on April 29, 2013, 02:42:20 PM

Title: blocked
Post by: lostkitten on April 29, 2013, 02:42:20 PM
I blocked him, on my phone and facebook, and sent him an email telling him I had to do it for myself, and I wish I didnt have to. I discovered, after feeling very guilty about it, that he has blocked me as well.

Today would have marked two years since we made it "official" - even though we had been "seeing each other" for some time before that. We're coming up on 6 months since the split, and i'm just feeling how large and great the loss is.

How do you all pass the time until you're "okay" again? At this point, I know NC and time are the only things that are going to heal this... .  but, god, I want him to come back. Still.

Title: Re: blocked
Post by: BladeValant546 on April 29, 2013, 03:21:57 PM
You will want that person back. However, think of this way as a drug. Longer you take it more damage it will do. Obviously that is a parrot answer, however this is a good time for letting yourself be sad. This is where you will need will power, and if your not strong enough get some friends to help. Just realize you need stability and fight for that even if is against yourself. Each month gets easier, I promise. Even those the first month maybe first 3 feel like a year.

Title: Re: blocked
Post by: fromheeltoheal on April 29, 2013, 03:56:14 PM
Hi lostkitten-

The short answer is keep moving forward.  Although NC is the way to go, and you can confirm that for yourself by making a list of all the behaviors you considered absolutely unacceptable in the relationship, there's a difference between NC and detachment.  What has worked for me is to focus on me, my life, my goals, which is a shift because she was a full-time project, and then just keep moving forward, making sure that you don't move so fast that you can't feel your emotions, using motion to further your life as opposed to escape your feelings, in other words.  And get help from supportive people when you need it.  And it will get better with time.  At this point I consider the relationship a gift, since it motivated me to grow, and quickly.  Good luck, we're here.