
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: cal644 on May 01, 2013, 08:37:00 AM

Title: Do people with BPD get crazier as it gets closer to finalizing the divorce
Post by: cal644 on May 01, 2013, 08:37:00 AM
Just curious - have any of you experienced your spouse with BPD get crazier as the divorce gets closer to being finalized?  This last month I've been accused of everything under the sun - from trying to hit her with my car, to being emotionally abusive to my daughter, to trying to cancel our club memberships, to bringing new girlfriends to my daughters softball games, the list goes on and on - all of which aren't true and it leaves me scratching my head where she come up with this stuff.  Then I get texts (which I no longer respond to) "I don't want to fight with you anymore" - which is very very interesting since I never fight with her - LC has helped me - but it makes her even more crazy!