
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Mara2 on May 02, 2013, 11:41:05 AM

Title: New directions
Post by: Mara2 on May 02, 2013, 11:41:05 AM
I cannot tell you how much this board has meant to me and how much help I have received here.  Thank you all so much.

Over the last couple days I have found a new direction for my life and I am so VERY excited and I just pray it works out.  I am hoping to go to a seminar in Seattle in June to learn to screen kids and teens for dyslexia and then go through an on-line course to learn to tutor them. 

It all started because I think my middle daughter has dyslexia.  It has not been a huge problem because I homeschool her and I can work around it, unlike a classroom setting.  I decided to go on-line and find some resources to help me teach her now that she is in Jr High level work.  What I found fascinated me and I started to get excited.  Then I found out that I could become a tutor and have my own small business that would enable me to keep teaching my two youngest. 

I called our local school district and found out that there is no one closer than the big city an hour away that tutors dyslexic students.  I live between two school districts and could easily work with both.  This would be so beneficial to our community.

Now for the big question- money.  It will cost about $3000 to go to the 6 day seminar (equivalent to a semester of college level work in 6 days!) and another $2000 for the on-line training.  At that point I would be certified to screen (not diagnose) and tutor kids and teens.  I have no money myself- we are barely making it as it is.  I have been surfing websites looking for grants or scholarships, but most of what is out there is for a 2 or 4 year college.  I need some direction in where to look for grant money, or something to help me pay for the training. 

In the past I would have decided it was not meant to be and forget it.  This time I am telling myself that this is something I really want and to keep asking and digging until I get it. 

There is another new direction.  H is coming home tomorrow.  He is doing really well and actually looking for part time work.  I told him he has used up all his chances and this is the last time.  If he blows it this time there is no coming back home.  By that I mean if he gets abusive again.  Everyone blows it occassionally. 

I have peace about him coming home and I am really excited about a new career.  Wish me luck!

Title: Re: New directions
Post by: Surnia on May 02, 2013, 11:58:51 AM
I wish you a luck from all my 

Newer research on dyslexia is quite interesting, I can understand your fascination about this. Furthermore in our letter/script based world it is hard to have dyslexia, so its something really important to master this. It would be a really great opportunity for you.

I keep my fingers crossed for you!  :)

Title: Re: New directions
Post by: Diligence on May 02, 2013, 10:39:25 PM
Good for you, Mara2!  I wish you well in finding some grants.  And, I wish you well in your education!

Warm regards!

Title: Re: New directions
Post by: tcevans78 on May 03, 2013, 09:55:32 PM
The Sunshine Lady is a foundation ran by Jimmy Buffet's wife.  You can write a letter to them explaining your circumstances and they will give you money.  No Joke.  I use to work as a financial counselor and a co-worker's client got $5,000 for a car.  They give to individuals who are working hard and need a hand up.  I called them once for a client of mine who was losing her home to foreclosure and they said, yep! Send in her letter!  We'll take a look! 

Good luck!

Title: Re: New directions
Post by: Mara2 on May 05, 2013, 05:25:10 PM
Hey, thanks!  I will give them a try.