Title: Possible ASPD? Post by: Bananas on May 06, 2013, 09:13:22 PM My therapist thinks my ex is ASPD and not BPD. I was diagnosing him BPD myself, based on my own research, but I did not tell her I thought that as I wanted to see what she came up with. I know it is hard for someone to diagnose another without talking to that person. I was just wondering if anyone had a similar experience.
When I met my ex he was honest in telling me he had problems with anxiety, depression and that he had problems controlling his temper. But that was all he said. He was not in therapy (at least that is what he said) but I knew he took anti anxiety medication. So I don't know if he was diagnosed with anything and I didn't think to ask at the time. When I read about BPD, ASPD and NPD he could fit in any of them. Title: Re: Possible ASPD? Post by: mamachelle on May 06, 2013, 09:34:43 PM Hi DogGrrrl,
Have you seen this link? It helps explain the comorbidity between the Cluster B personality disorders. You are right, he could have both at the same time... . DIFFERENCES|COMORBIDITY: Borderline and Antisocial Personality Disorder (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=156878.0) mamachelle |