
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: WXYZ on July 17, 2013, 07:54:22 AM

Title: Growing
Post by: WXYZ on July 17, 2013, 07:54:22 AM
I know it’s a huge challenge to extricate ourselves from involvement with a BPD.

I won’t list all the reasons why it’s so difficult – we already know.

But at the end of the day we are going to stronger, smarter and happier than we

ever were - even before the whole BPD experience!   And every step of the way

on this journey we a growing and these thoughts are enough to put

a big smile on my dial :)

Bring it on!

Title: Re: Growing
Post by: stop2think on July 17, 2013, 08:12:29 AM

Simply Love the spirit that comes through what you wrote!  |iiii



Title: Re: Growing
Post by: WXYZ on July 17, 2013, 08:58:30 AM

Simply Love the spirit that comes through what you wrote!  |iiii



Hey, thanks stop2think.

Just sharin' the joy - fancy finding joy amidst all this!

But its a true story  :light:

Title: Re: Growing
Post by: Validation78 on July 17, 2013, 09:36:21 AM

You bettcha!

Keep up the good work!

Best Wishes,


Title: Re: Growing
Post by: Lao Tzu on July 17, 2013, 09:48:20 AM
Good on ya, Mate!

     By the way, I really loved the little allegorical story you wrote on another thread about the girl on the sailboat.  I have thought of that several times since then as it is just silly enough to point up the complete absurdity of all our BPD relationships and our reactions to them.  For me, being able to laugh about something that seems otherwise so incredibly serious is extremely empowering.  Thanks for the help!


Title: Re: Growing
Post by: VeryFree on July 17, 2013, 10:02:33 AM
Almost seven months out of my r/s of 10 yrs... .

The last months I've learned more about myself then in the rest of my life.

The last months I've learned more about my own path to growth and (possible) happiness then in the rest of my life.

The last months I've learned more about other people then in the rest of my life.

The last months I've learned more about what I seek in other people then in the rest of my life.

I'm sure that the coming months will bring more joy!

Title: Re: Growing
Post by: WXYZ on July 17, 2013, 08:24:50 PM
Good on ya, Mate!

     By the way, I really loved the little allegorical story you wrote on another thread about the

girl on the sailboat.  I have thought of that several times since then as it is just silly enough to

point up the complete absurdity of all our BPD relationships and our reactions to them.  For me,

being able to laugh about something that seems otherwise so incredibly serious is extremely

empowering.  Thanks for the help!


G’day Lao Tzu

Glad you enjoyed the ‘little allegorical story’.

So, I take it you’re interested in buying a cheap boat.  Well, I tell you what - this is

your lucky day and at this knockdown price it’s an absolute steal.  How would you

like to pay for that? – Cash, cheque or credit card?

Aussie :)

Title: Re: Growing
Post by: Lao Tzu on July 18, 2013, 11:59:12 PM
I think I've developed permanent seasickness.   lol


Title: Re: Growing
Post by: really on July 19, 2013, 12:15:51 AM
Aussie Bloke I loved that story too.   am also Aussie.  Got a Facebook message from a guy I know about boats for auction with a one dollar reserve.  I thought if I could pick.  one up I would take it off the coast somewhere knock a big hole in it and watch it go down.