
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: drv3006 on August 27, 2013, 09:17:06 AM

Title: I am so confused
Post by: drv3006 on August 27, 2013, 09:17:06 AM
Everyone.  I am trying to find out where I belong on this board.   I hop all over it.  Staying leaving my inventory.  

I don't even know where I should be at this point.

Can any one relate to that.   I relate to so much everyone has to say but I don't know what to do.

This guy has more problems.   I just don't know what to do.  How do you leave somone who is having surgery, how do you leave someone who's mother is dying and his mother is wanting to see you.   I mean.  I am not even married.   Over a year now I have been with this guy.   I met him last August and by last September I was on this board.  Three weeks after I met him.  I read all of your stuff, I went to a shrink cause I thought I had this BPD and I was crazy.   I mean, how do you walk away,  from someone's who's life is a mess and they are basically begging you to be there one minute.  

And even now, I am having a hard time trying to find out where I belong on this board.  In AA I know I can't drink alcohol.  But I don't know where I belong on this board.

Does that make any sense at all.  

Title: Re: I am so confused
Post by: talithacumi on August 27, 2013, 01:06:17 PM
Yes, drv, it totally makes sense ... . and there's nothing wrong with you for feeling so confused about it either.

The fear, insecurity, uncertainty, frustration, deep disappointment, and searing emotional pain experienced by those with BPD can, at times, have a very tangible quality that makes really it difficult for anyone with any genuine empathy to NOT sense, respond to, and at least want to TRY to soothe, comfort, assure, support, and heal them as best we can in some way.

You're not alone in feeling so torn. I think, deep down, that's the fundamental problem ALL of us here are having on some level - whether we're staying/trying to make it work, leaving/dealing with having been left, or simply haven't reached a point where we feel confident in any way about what we actually need/want to do.

You sound like you already know you can't/don't want to do this anymore - but have some guilt about feeling that way because of his current situation - that you have stayed/are staying out of a sense of obligation - or, worse, out of fear that you'll be seen/characterized as someone who's selfish, petty, cold, and uncaring.

I would spend some time validating your belief that this relationship really isn't working to meet your basic needs - exploring why you feel so compelled to stay under the circumstances - reminding yourself that he ACTUALLY is/always has been smart, resourceful, resilient, brave, and strong enough to take care of himself - and accepting the fact that taking care of yourself can also mean getting someone else to do it for you.

You don't have to pick a board. You can find value and meaning in any of the things shared by any one of the many people who are here regardless of the status of their BPD relationship.

Take a deep breath. Give yourself a little break from the I dunnos and geez I shouldas today. You deserve it. Really you do.

- TC