
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Findingmysong723 on September 05, 2013, 12:37:37 PM

Title: Volunteer drama, same thing different girl
Post by: Findingmysong723 on September 05, 2013, 12:37:37 PM
Just got back from the Shelter I been volunteering for, since end of 2009. I had invited my Ex to volunteer and we had been volunteering for the past 2 summers.

I found out today by the woman who works there that he's been coming around and brought his new girlfriend. She told me she gave him a weird look, so he said it was his friend. The cool thing is the shelter staff has known me longer and will always be in my corner. However, I know they have no boundaries etc, but really why bring her here, do you want some kind of run in, or maybe that's it. I won't let them going stop me from enjoying what I'm been enjoying for so many years. It's funny, because when I found out he had started to come back I was annoyed, but I didn't think he would sink low enough to bring a new girlfriend, but I was wrong! However, this behavior proves to me what kind of person he is. It makes any feelings for him go away pretty quickly. I know he doesn't have many of his own curricular activities but it's sad that he has to use his ex girlfriends curricular activities because he has none of his own!

I have a feeling they both have no boundaries... . what a nice couple. It makes me realize that when I start dating a good guy, I won't have to deal with stuff like this. Even when I was in high school, I had exes that were more respectful.

Title: Re: Volunteer drama, same thing different girl
Post by: Findingmysong723 on September 05, 2013, 12:54:57 PM
It's an Animal Shelter

Title: Re: Volunteer drama, same thing different girl
Post by: heartandwhole on September 05, 2013, 01:46:19 PM

I'm sorry you had to find out something like that, I would be very hurt and angry.  I'm glad that you are continuing to volunteer and not letting something that is important to you be ruined by unwanted contact.

Can you make sure that you both are not volunteering at the same time, so that you won't have to run into him/them?

Title: Re: Volunteer drama, same thing different girl
Post by: Findingmysong723 on September 05, 2013, 02:07:36 PM
I've known the coordinator for years, so I'm hoping that he'll let me know if he'll be there. I was hoping go to Adoption Day next week, since this Saturday I'm working. The irony of the situation was, my ex wrote the coordinator about that he wanted to come but didn't want to upset me, which was bull**t because, he had been going anyway just not as much. The nice thing is that I've known many of the volunteers for years now and I feel that they would be in support of me and have my back.

I'm actually in a much better place, the relationship wasn't healthy and he was never going to give me what I need and want in my life. This behavior just shows me what kind of character he has to bring a new girlfriend or whatever to an organization that I've put my time and love into. Seriously, if I was the new girlfriend I wouldn't want to hang out where he hung out with me, but not sure what kind of person she is. This behavior makes any feelings I had, go away. It's funny because after he spoke to the coordinator about "coming back to the shelter," he then wrote me a text a month or so later in May telling me "Hi, he had seen my cousin and how are you," I didn't respond because I told him I couldn't be friends. Then 4 days later he wrote me back something similar to, "I suppose this is Findingmysong # but if it is, I would think you would be more mature not to ignore me, that's f**kin childish and I'm happy not to have people like that in my life. Then second text "I'm deleting your #." Basically, he broke up with me, but I refused to keep in contact so, he "took control" by saying he was deleting my number. Which is funny  because I hadn't been in contact with him since February. So, why not stay out of my life and not hang out at the shelter I volunteer at? It's funny, I was pissed off when I heard he was going back there again but I even told someone else that I didn't think he would bring someone with him... . well I guess I was wrong, just another thing I was wrong about. I know seeing him will be weird, but the way I'm feeling right now, I really won't blink an eye when I see him, I'm going to ignore him or both of them. They are not worth my time!