
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: simenora on October 14, 2013, 10:51:13 PM

Title: alternate reality
Post by: simenora on October 14, 2013, 10:51:13 PM
my 16y DD BPD is in residential right now. I told her I have mobility issues and have been asking for a month for her to ask one of her 800 FB friends if they want her cat. she texted dh yesterday that she had somebody. We loaded cat, litter box, food etc into car and went for 45 min drive to the country as we really wanted somebody she knows to have the cat so she could see him sometime. We got there and the ppl were completely shocked. They were v ordinary nice ppl. Our DD is mentally ill. I asked her why she sent us on wild goose chase but she believes she made a deal with these ppl.

What gives?

Title: Re: alternate reality
Post by: lovesjazz on October 15, 2013, 05:54:47 AM
I understand. Our BPDs does things like this and it is embarrassing. I know in this situation you need to get rid of ths cat.  You arebeing very thoughtful trying tobget someone she knows so she can see the cat.  Try to stay out of that loop and see if someone you know can take it. Dont involve her. Is she normally very manipulative?

Title: Re: alternate reality
Post by: simenora on October 15, 2013, 08:44:28 AM
it doesn't seem to  fall into a normal manipulation which there are many. Its more delusional. Like the time she invited her anorexic(dx'd) friend over to our house and said quite earnestly that she wore the same size jeans as her. Her friend wears double 0, she wears a size 6. she really believed they were the same size. Im worried about delusions. I think DD may be showing signs of schizophrenia. 

Title: Re: alternate reality
Post by: simenora on October 16, 2013, 01:47:16 PM
so is this a normal part of BPD? has anyone had experience with such a failure to grasp reality?

Title: Re: alternate reality
Post by: MammaMia on October 16, 2013, 02:01:04 PM

Absolutely!  My dBPDs 39 drives me nuts with his complaints about what the neighbors around him are doing.  He believes he is being harassed and is literally afraid some days to leave the house.  He feels threatened.

He is convinced something is going on and they have all formed a coalition to get him to move.  He is quiet, respectful, and private.  He has done NOTHING but be a good neighbor.

No amount of talking can convince him he is over-reacting to anything and everything the neighbors do. He does not want to address any of his concerns with them... .he just wants to complain. SO FRUSTRATING!

He does not want to address any of his concerns with them.

Title: Re: alternate reality
Post by: Rapt Reader on October 16, 2013, 10:25:55 PM
Hi, simenora   

I don't have any experience with the symptoms and behaviors you are talking about, but there's an Informational Thread on here that might answer some questions for you:

BPD BEHAVIORS: Dissociation and Dysphoria (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=68392.0)

In that thread, there are 2 links to research articles that also might help you:

About BPD and depersonalisation and dissociation:


About BPD and lying, remembering facts different than others:


It seems that what you all are talking about are fairly common as Co-Morbid disorders that sometimes BPD sufferers also have. I think you'll learn a lot from the links above... .I hope this helps you understand your child a bit more  *)