
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Verbena on October 16, 2013, 12:25:45 AM

Title: So Strange
Post by: Verbena on October 16, 2013, 12:25:45 AM
A couple of weeks ago, I came across some pictures I thought my DD28 might want.  They were all of her and her friends from several years ago.  I put them in a zip-loc bag and set them aside thinking I would give them to her when I got the chance.  Then this past weekend, DD texted me wanting to borrow some serving pieces for a shower she was helping with.  I said sure and packed up the serving pieces in a bag and added in the bag of photos.  I texted DD back that her daddy and I would be gone for several hours but that the bag would be outside the garage and she could come pick it up.  I told her I had included the photos because I thought she might want them.

Today I noticed that she had posted one of the pictures on Facebook with the comment to a friend who was in the picture with her, "(Name), my mom brought a big box of old pictures to my house and this was in it!" 

It just struck me as odd.  I didn't bring the photos to her house; she picked them up from my house.  They weren't in a big box; they were in a freezer bag.  It's not like it really matters either way, but why change up the details for no reason?  It got me thinking that this is something she's always done.  Sometimes it's a big lie to cover her behavior or get attention, and sometimes it's just tweaking the facts.  I really wonder what her thought process was when she made that FB post. 

Title: Re: So Strange
Post by: Ms Mac on October 16, 2013, 12:51:52 AM
my ud17 changes details of things said often. A friend once said he never caught her out in a lie, because she only changes minor details to suit her needs. I have thought it odd, but I think she does it to get what she wants from ppl, emotionally that is... .

Title: Re: So Strange
Post by: heronbird on October 16, 2013, 05:08:12 AM
I suspect, we dont really know the harsh reality of it all, I know i probably dont. I tend to believe people if they tell me anything.

I know my dd does this, but I bet its much worse than what I know.

Like you said, its not a big deal, its just revealing.

Title: Re: So Strange
Post by: jellibeans on October 16, 2013, 02:57:24 PM
I think this is a way for your dd to protect her feelings... .saying that you brought it to her house kind of disatnce herself from the photos... .she is posting with surprise that you gave them to her but in reality maybe she is just trying to rekindle the friendship with her friend and is afraid of being rejected.

Title: Re: So Strange
Post by: Verbena on October 16, 2013, 03:25:14 PM
I think this is a way for your dd to protect her feelings... .saying that you brought it to her house kind of disatnce herself from the photos... .she is posting with surprise that you gave them to her but in reality maybe she is just trying to rekindle the friendship with her friend and is afraid of being rejected.

I've seen her do things like that in the past, and it would make perfect sense now--except that this friend in the photo she was commenting to has been back in her life now for nearly a year.  Previously, they were on the outs for two years because of some completely unnecessary drama caused entirely by my DD. 

This is why I thought it was so strange and unnecessary to be untruthful about it.  In the scheme of things, it's really nothing.  I just thought it was odd and wondered what y'all's thoughts were.  I can usually pinpoint why she lies--and the lies are usually much bigger than this--but this one threw me for a loop. 

The old me would have pointed out the twisting of the facts in this FB post, but I have learned to keep my mouth shut about anything that might set her off.  It's not worth it and serves no purpose.