
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Strugglingnonbpd on October 16, 2013, 11:39:34 AM

Title: How much does this sound like BPD or just a bad person?
Post by: Strugglingnonbpd on October 16, 2013, 11:39:34 AM
How much does this sound like BPD or just a bad person?

About her and her comments:

•"To much of everything is just enough"

•Child out of wedlock


•Told me to go F myself early on in the relationship


•"You are horrible"

•"You are pathetic"

•Splitting, Devaluation

•"You are not hard working"

•"Your job is to sleep"

•"You don't love me"

•"You don't care about anyone but yourself"

•"You are cheap"

• Skinny dipping with a guy on the second date. Drunk and calling me with no clothes on. Please come get me. Save me. Crazy chaos...

•Calls her Ex Dick head

•"Everyone in HS knew me. I did not know them."

•"I want a real man. Not you."

Romantic dates with me and then making out with another person 24 hours later.

" You are too sensitive"

"I will prove myself to you after all the mean things I said to you. Please let me back in.

•Extremes- You are my big man, I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. You are pathetic, I have never had someone treat me so poorly, you are cheap and not confident and don't know how to treat a lady.

•Please make love to me. Then, please go away. Come closer, Go away.

"It is all your fault"

•"You can't handle your kids and me."

•Black and White thinking

•Excessive spending

•Excessive drinking

•Over eating

•Then, I am never drinking again

•Detox - Not eating

•"You are going to burn in hell for sinning."

Title: Re: How much does this sound like BPD or just a bad person?
Post by: SeekerofTruth on October 16, 2013, 01:30:12 PM
Why would you stay?

"I hate you, don't leave me" classic.

We don't do diagnosis here, but yeah it sounds like a rollercoaster consistent with BPD.

How long have you known her, How long have you been together... .

Again, WHY would you stay... .?

What does your gut tell you about the probability of having a mutually satisfying win-win relationships where your dreams and life goals are equally respected, valued, and supported in such a manner that helps to bring out your best self... .vs.  emotional torture and abuse?

Title: Re: How much does this sound like BPD or just a bad person?
Post by: Strugglingnonbpd on October 16, 2013, 02:35:28 PM
I have known her for over 5 years. I get hooked into believing it is because we are not together as a couple that she is acting this way. I stated in an earlier post that I am married and I am dead wrong for having an affair with anyone. (Words do not describe my regret for this.)

She keeps on telling me that she will not behave this way if we were together as a couple. With that being said,  I have seen her act this way with others as well.

Title: Re: How much does this sound like BPD or just a bad person?
Post by: PrettyPlease on October 16, 2013, 04:45:57 PM

It doesn't matter what the label is, it's madness. Run.

Run, take a breather, find some good threads or books that will help you figure out how you would get into this situation.

You're lucky you're not like this yourself.

You're unlucky that you have hooks that allow these things into your life and think they might be tolerable.

I speak from being like this also. I did several in a row.

Finally managed to dig into my own life to find out why.

Couldn't do it while the relationship was ongoing.

My 2c.

"You asked for it".   


Title: Re: How much does this sound like BPD or just a bad person?
Post by: Strugglingnonbpd on October 16, 2013, 05:37:15 PM
Thank you for being direct and candid!

Title: Re: How much does this sound like BPD or just a bad person?
Post by: hopealways on October 16, 2013, 08:11:56 PM

Title: Re: How much does this sound like BPD or just a bad person?
Post by: Strugglingnonbpd on October 17, 2013, 04:30:08 PM
I have been 5 weeks with NC. (She cut me off) One of us, usually me, reaches out to start the cycle again. Why is it so difficult to let them go? I feel like am an addict going through detox. My stomach is in a knot.