Title: useless lies..? Post by: bruisedbattered on November 07, 2013, 11:42:03 AM I found out from a friend last night that my xBPDgf falsely told people including myself that she slept with him the same week after she initially slept with me... . Why would she tell a lie like that? what the heck? Is there some twisted logic that I am missing? Im tempted to contact and ask her about it, but that would just open another can of worms... . Have any of you experienced such lies which make no sense?
Title: Re: useless lies..? Post by: wrigley52 on November 07, 2013, 11:45:18 AM I findout a new oneeveryday!
Title: Re: useless lies..? Post by: ShadowDancer on November 07, 2013, 12:32:59 PM The EXACT same thing happened to me. As it turns out she TRIED to hook up with this person but it did not happen. I too was HUH! What the heck?
What I THINK is going on with this is she WANTED to sleep with him. More than likely still does. You KNOW how a predator stashes a meal. Fairly simple to figure actually. You know how the BPD pretzel logic works, BPD=wanted=will=did. Do not question her unless you want useless redundant drama. You know the drill there too. BPD=confrontation=projection=confabulation ad nausea ummm. Title: Re: useless lies..? Post by: fromheeltoheal on November 07, 2013, 12:50:55 PM I found out from a friend last night that my xBPDgf falsely told people including myself that she slept with him the same week after she initially slept with me... . Why would she tell a lie like that? what the heck? Is there some twisted logic that I am missing? Im tempted to contact and ask her about it, but that would just open another can of worms... . Have any of you experienced such lies which make no sense? They make total sense to a borderline. Remember in a borderline's mind when they attach to someone they are creating one person with no boundary, not two autonomous people in a partnership. That's subconscious mind you, and she's just doing what feels right, so what she's doing consciously is trying to increase the value of her sexuality (hey, if the other dude wanted her too, she must be a valuable slice of femininity), plus she knows full well that will get under your skin because you may or may not have exclusive rights to the goods. She does that to increase the power of her side of the 'person' the two of you have created, to keep you on edge, and her in control. Wanna blow the whole thing up? Blatantly ogle some young hottie in front of her, bound to send her into a tizzy and dysfunctional as hell, but hey, that's where we found ourselves on the way to enlightenment. Take care of you! Title: Re: useless lies..? Post by: ShadowDancer on November 07, 2013, 04:54:17 PM Heel that explanation was absolutely and AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT! |iiii
Really a sudden weight lifted from my shoulders and spirit as I read that. A definite eureka moment of the sky is not falling... .we are ascending! Title: Re: useless lies..? Post by: bruisedbattered on November 07, 2013, 05:01:17 PM Yes it was, thank you for that. It has helped put my mind at ease. She's already destroyed enough in me, wont let it go any further.
Title: Re: useless lies..? Post by: fromheeltoheal on November 07, 2013, 07:14:54 PM Heel that explanation was absolutely and AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT! |iiii Really a sudden weight lifted from my shoulders and spirit as I read that. A definite eureka moment of the sky is not falling... .we are ascending! Thanks man, I'm glad it helped. Wisdom gleaned from my time in hell and the education that followed. Time to grow and heal so we can deserve better. |