Title: Sometimes I wonder Post by: maxsterling on November 07, 2013, 12:29:00 PM sometimes I read the stories on here, and they sound almost word-for-word what I am dealing with, I wonder if my girlfriend could actually be the ex of someone on here.
Many posts are nearly exactly what I am dealing with. And I am sure of her numerous exes, many tried and gave up, and faced the same damn thing I am facing, and the same thing everyone here is facing or faced. I feel like the fool for staying in this as long as I have. All her exes must have been smarter than me to leave. Title: Re: Sometimes I wonder Post by: ZigofZag on November 07, 2013, 12:35:33 PM Ha,
Yes, nice one! I know what you mean. You go from being alone and thinking that the problems you have had with the relationship are unique only to find out that here are loads of us that have been living the same nightmares. I also often think that my wife's various ex partners who had VERY short relationships with her might have been smarter. As it happens, I now look back and think that a lot of them, well most of them, were/are predatory. They saw someone desperate for love and took advantage. The reason we stayed in the relationship is because we cared and wanted to be loved too. Title: Re: Sometimes I wonder Post by: Dr.Me2 on November 07, 2013, 03:09:28 PM After the idealization phase and clinging phase I myself experience with my uBPDw, imam now in the devaluation/hate-you phase. This is a nightmare I don't think has a happy ending no matter how much I try.
The main problem as you pointed out is that the emotional dysregulation will be their only companion and it is only when such companion becomes tired of the same thing we are that they will hopefully get better. Title: Re: Sometimes I wonder Post by: Proud_Dad on November 07, 2013, 05:03:13 PM Ditto... .I see my story spelled out in front of me every time I read these boards. It does give me the feeling that I am not alone, but at the same time i read about the experiences of others and it makes me sad that I have bene so blind to my own situation. It looks like I need to kick my own ___.
The reason we stayed in the relationship is because we cared and wanted to be loved too. I wish this was not true... .:'( |