
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Garpsish on November 08, 2013, 08:33:19 AM

Title: Classic Walking On Eggshells
Post by: Garpsish on November 08, 2013, 08:33:19 AM
In the end i felt like an emotional punchbag, my spirit was broken and i was a shadow of my former self

in the end i became severly depressed from the constant distrust and accusations

i felt like a puppet on a string my life was non exsistent and everything revolved around trying to please her and keep her happy the second she realised what i was doing to myself and the affects it was having she began to dissasociate and the inevitable break up came along and i had nothing left to give

my side of the street was pristeen and i to had realised that by not standing up for myself made myself look guilty this makes you appear weak also which is a very unnatractive trait its these kind of vicious cycles that go on unnoticed and slowly drive a rift only looking back can you see things clearer

and realise that you to play your own part in it BPD is truely a terrible thing and my heart goes out to anyone who suffers or has suffered because of this illness.

i think a nice thing you could do to aid your healing process and this goes out to all non'BPD out there is maybe do some fund raising for a charity that funds mental health research and get involved in mental health awareness week, i think if the whole world understood alot more about mental health people wouldnt feel like such outcasts and in turn would display much less symptoms, but the world is a very selfish place i dont know if the human race will ever be capable of that level of empathy its easier to point and blame.  red-flag yes people red flag!

Title: Re: Classic Walking On Eggshells
Post by: strikeforce on November 08, 2013, 08:37:15 AM
I agree, I think mental health issues should be a priority IMO

The world is becoming a darker place. Mental health issues are rocketing.