
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: JillS on November 14, 2013, 05:55:05 AM

Title: need help with where to get help
Post by: JillS on November 14, 2013, 05:55:05 AM
We have a 29 year old daughter who shows all the signs of BPD, don't need to go into the details, I'm sure they've all been heard before and they are too long to list, but right now she is back home and has lost her job (which she loved by the way) and we don't know where to turn for help.  She spent 1 1/2 years in therapy for "depression" and because she manipulated the therapist and wouldn't talk about what her real issues were - the therapist wouldn't even entertain the thought that she might be BPD; so we dont' want to  go through that again.  She does want help, but won't reach out on her own, wants me to get something started, but i have no idea where to go for competent psychological help from someone who knows this disorder.  Thanks, Jills

Title: Re: need help with where to get help
Post by: Rapt Reader on November 14, 2013, 11:57:23 AM
Hi, JillS &  *welcome*

I've actually already replied to you on the Parenting Board, and gave you some ideas (and a link to NAMI) to try to get you started on finding the right therapy for your daughter.

I will mention again (more detailed information is on my other post, on Parenting) that I think you might find wonderful help for your daughter in a Dual Diagnosis Program, one of them that my son successfully completed, was in Bradford, PA at the Bradford Regional Medical Center. I highly recommend it... .If that is too far away for your daughter, maybe they could guide you to somewhere closer.

Please check out your thread on Parenting: https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=213597.0 for more information. You are in the right place, JillS, for the comfort, support and information you are looking for 

Title: new member
Post by: JillS on November 14, 2013, 08:27:36 PM
Hi I'm Jill; my husband and I have a 29 year old daughter with what we believe is BPD; but are in the process of her getting a formal diagnosis.  I've done alot of reading though and she fits all of the description for someone with this disorder.  In a way, it is comforting to know that there is a name for what she has been displaying all of these years and that it seems like there is hope that we can get her help.  It breaks my heart to see her struggle, and it is very hurtful to us when she acts in a totally irresponsible and hurtful way to others, usually us.  

There are so many stories to tell, but suffice it to say, you all probably have many stories of your own and I would probably just reiterate everything you have heard many times before.  I just want to say thank you for being here and I look forward to joining and participating in this group.  

Title: Re: new member
Post by: Hazelrah on November 14, 2013, 10:12:48 PM
Hi JillS, and  *welcome*

Parenting a child with any sort of mental illness, be it BPD or otherwise, can certainly be a struggle.  Sometimes love isn't enough to help them through their difficulties... .but you are right, getting a proper diagnosis can be the first step towards help and healing, and it is good to hear your daughter is going through this process. 

You are also right in that there are many folks on this site that can share a wealth of knowledge in regards to dealing with a loved one suffering from BPD--you've joined a community of caring individuals, and there is a lot of help to be found here.

Rapt Reader gave you a great resource to check out.  There are plenty of senior members experienced in parenting a child with BPD, and they can offer plenty of advice and tools to help you better communicate with your daughter.

Please let us know if you need help finding anything on the site.  Keep posting--we're glad you found us!