
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: raytamtay3 on November 14, 2013, 10:41:25 AM

Title: Cutting and Suicide Attempts
Post by: raytamtay3 on November 14, 2013, 10:41:25 AM
My daughter went through a small stint of cutting and once took 6 advil in my presence, which was over a year ago (She actually showed me once when I had a feeling something was up and after she had an emotional episode. 7 cuts up and down her forarm). And while there is always a chance she is hiding her cutting, I kinda of don't think she is. When she was cutting back than, I would go through her room and find broken pieces of glass hiden all around. I've done it from time to time and haven't found anymore.

I've read that cutting and suicide attemps are one of the biggest indicators of BPD. How many of you have children, etc., with BPD that do not do these sorts of behaviors?  My daughter is a risk taker. I believe that replaces the urge to cut. As does pot use.

One more thing. I just read on here about someone's DD who is going through heroine withdrawal. Shows how knowledgable I am on the subject. I always just assumed it had to be injected. Here I read short straws and baggies were found. A few months back I found cut strawls in my DD's room and just assumed they were used for shotguns (blowing pot smoke from one mouth to someone elses). Now I'm afraid she is doing heroine which is apparently around my parts. My DD always says the motto with her friends is "you don't cheat on maryjane".

Title: Re: Cutting and Suicide Attempts
Post by: BioAdoptMom3 on November 14, 2013, 04:35:51 PM
Welcome to our little group of families who are strugging to live with children who have BPD, or suspected BPD on a daily basis !  I am sorry you need us, but glad you found us!  Our DD is 14 and has a history of cutting (she has cut her arms, legs and abdoman), eating disorders, sucidal thoughts and attempts, unstable relationships, depression, anxiety and panic disorder. 

How old is your DD?  Have you taken her to a doctor?  I would start with her own and get a recommendation for a psychiatrist.  If she has attempted suicide, and has a history of cutting and drug abuse, she needs to see a doctor.  Very often people with BPD also suffer from depression and anxiety among other mood disorders and medication for these things can make a big difference. Most of the time people who abuse drugs are self medicating for mental health disorders and medication can help curb the need for them to feel they need to rely on that.  After seeing a psych and discussing the possible need for meds, you should get a recommendation for a therapist.  If your DD does have BPD (and the symptoms you mentioned are definitely symptoms of BPD though that doesn't necessarily mean that is what it is) I would ask for a recommendation of someone who practices a counseling technique called diadactical behavior therapy.  It has proven to be very helpful for people who suffer from BPD.

Please know you are not alone in your struggles with your DD and that we are here for you!