
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: peacebaby on November 27, 2013, 08:43:47 AM

Title: How I got out
Post by: peacebaby on November 27, 2013, 08:43:47 AM
It's been almost two weeks since "Carmel" and I broke up and things are still going well. We have texted a little, gotten together a couple times, and it feels so completely different. Everything feels different. I don't feel like a stupid victim anymore, I feel like someone who saved themselves from living in a bad situation. I feel proud, I feel happy, I feel full of hope.

Every time I wrote in my diary, the document opened up to the first post three years ago, so every time I looked at it, I read about how unhappy I was and how much I wanted to get out of my relationship, for THREE YEARS. I knew it had to stop, that I had to get out, and no amount of financial worries were going to stop me.

For a while, when she'd scream things she claimed to hate about me, I'd scream back "Then leave!" over and over and over. We started having talks about how it had to stop, how she couldn't stop treating me the way she was treating me, and we had to part, no matter how much love or hope or dependence we still had. Somehow she believed me and found the strength and love to find a share with a friend, and moved out.

Since then, such a short time but a real time, I feel free of the spell of abuse. I know that I will never interact with her the same way, I will never feel broken or hopeless, I will never feel trapped, I will never engage in the old patterns. Simply not having her under my roof has freed me.

Anyone wanna lend me five grand?  :)

Title: Re: How I got out
Post by: Pretty Woman on November 27, 2013, 08:53:41 AM

   If I had the money I would buy all us non-BPD'ers our own private island, far away from this chaotic mess!


Title: Re: How I got out
Post by: Suzn on November 29, 2013, 09:22:44 PM
Hey peacebaby 

You finally did it yea? Good for you, both. I've read some of your history and I just wanted to say you both handled this so well. I'm sure there have been rocky times however you both seem to have relinquished the anger. That's such a huge deal imho. Keep on keepin on sister!

Anyone wanna lend me five grand?  :)
