
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: zordon11 on December 07, 2013, 01:11:40 AM

Title: facebook and journal
Post by: zordon11 on December 07, 2013, 01:11:40 AM

Couple of questions:

- I see my ex snooping around from time to time on me @ facebook should I block her?

- I was writing my daily journal there but I wonder if this is still a good idea. I mean no matter what I write (whether I am feeling bad and write about BPD traits, or feeling awesome in general) it is just bringing her more fuel? What is the best way, completely ignore the fact she ever existed?

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: santa on December 07, 2013, 01:30:09 AM
Couple of questions:

- I see my ex snooping around from time to time on me @ facebook should I block her?

- I was writing my daily journal there but I wonder if this is still a good idea. I mean no matter what I write (whether I am feeling bad and write about BPD traits, or feeling awesome in general) it is just bringing her more fuel? What is the best way, completely ignore the fact she ever existed?

Yes, block her facebook.

If you don't have any kids with her, you should run away, far and fast, while you still have the chance and try to forget that you ever met her.

I know everyday you were with her you probably thought about getting out of the relationship. If she's crazy, you must have. Now is your chance. Don't blow it.

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: zordon11 on December 07, 2013, 01:36:45 AM

hey santa:

I'm already out of the relationship. I am maintaining NC and she stopped texting me 3 weeks ago. Facebook is basically the only connection to me she has right now but she is only snooping. Probably she already jumped to another victim.

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: santa on December 07, 2013, 01:40:02 AM
hey santa:

I'm already out of the relationship. I am maintaining NC and she stopped texting me 3 weeks ago. Facebook is basically the only connection to me she has right now but she is only snooping. Probably she already jumped to another victim.

In that case, you may want to just ignore it. I don't know how facebook works, but if you think blocking her might tip her off, then you may want to just keep things as they are. Don't poke a sleeping bear, ya know.

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: patientandclear on December 07, 2013, 01:44:02 AM
Zordon, just curious -- what makes you think she's looking at your FB page?  Is she posting, liking things, etc.?  Are you saying you can tell if she is just looking?  I know that thought strikes fear into the heart of many of us who do the same from time to time ... .

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: zordon11 on December 07, 2013, 01:57:56 AM


i don't know why exactly but it seems she had some custom plugin installed to her browser that sends me notifications every time - so this is why i see. this is kinda ridiculous because I bet she thinks I can't see her :-)

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: RecycledNoMore on December 07, 2013, 04:20:12 AM
Zordon, just curious -- what makes you think she's looking at your FB page?  Is she posting, liking things, etc.?  Are you saying you can tell if she is just looking?  I know that thought strikes fear into the heart of many of us who do the same from time to time ... .

Arghhhhhh!, can they see when your just looking! Arghhhhh!

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: zordon11 on December 07, 2013, 04:25:59 AM

no I don't think they can see you normally. Like I said when I was with her she has installed some custom extension to her browser that was sending those notifications I guess she forgot about it. But this is not available by default and she cannot see me snooping I can just see she is so no worries.

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: LetMEgoPLS on December 07, 2013, 04:30:00 AM
Where are you keeping a daily journal on FB? I'd suggest maybe a tool like Google docs that is a little more secure. I keep. Spreadsheet there were I note the date, time, who was present, and a detailed account of what happened.

Part of me says BLOCK on fb, but I'm new to figuring out how to navigate this madness & I seem to be pretty good at fueling the fire, so as long as it's just snooping & no nasty comments or messages, maybe just leave it alone?

So the notifications are odd -- they come from her computer? Do you know when anyone else is browsing your profile or just her?

Title: Re: facebook and journal
Post by: zordon11 on December 07, 2013, 04:44:09 AM
i can't see anyone else just her dunno maybe this was something her ex boyfriend did to her as revenge (he was good at computers apparently). anyway I was always writing my journal and daily activities on facebook so maybe she likes being up-to-date.