
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: LetMEgoPLS on December 08, 2013, 03:44:31 AM

Title: Playing the Pity Me Card
Post by: LetMEgoPLS on December 08, 2013, 03:44:31 AM
My STBX uBPD has been an a hardcore recycle attempt with me, while I'm adamantly standing my ground - which is exhausting to say the least. He refuses to move out, but this weekend he's away for the weekend visiting his FOO -which is such a relief for me to have my own space and he's taken 2 of our 3 children to visit as well. (I trust him with the kids as his meanness is always directed at me & they adore their GMA, who I am sure takes very good care of them when STBX brings them up to visit her)

I am certain that he left the littlest one (S1 almost. 2) at home to ensure that I can't go out, because god forbid, I *might* go out for a drink with a friend and we all know that will lead to me meeting a guy in a bar and prob hooking up with him (how his mind works; not reality). But that's ok, having a little guy certainly didn't prevent me from enjoying my day  :)

Anyhow, his BFF punched him in the face and ditched him to meet up with an exGF (they're always rough housing, so no surprise really); apparently his brother doesn't want to hang with him either (his brother is generally a user that only wants to hang out w STBX when he wants something from him from my POV); and now STBX is playing the big pity party game. "Everyone hates me - U, my BFF, my bro, my life is so horrible, blah blah blah" - since NC is not an option with 3 children btwn the 2 of us, I'm replying to his texts with either just a simple "sorry" or "sorry you feel that way" -- there's nothing more I can say.

After all he's put me through, he wants ME to feel sorry for him, because he's sitting around at his mother's house with no one to hang out with? Oh whoas me.

So many screwed up relationships here... .And I honestly feel like his FOO is a big part of the reason that STBX acts the way he does. But not my problem anymore. I just wish he'd find a replacement as it's my only hope to escape the recycling attempts. Shift that focus to someone else, please!

Title: Re: Playing the Pity Me Card
Post by: Jbt857 on December 08, 2013, 06:53:54 AM
Mine has the 'poor me' card down to a fine art.

Even now, 9 months after we separated, despite the fact I allowed him 2 months of living here rent free, despite the fact I have paid all the legal costs for our divorce, he still isn't settled in a place of his own and is still running wild getting into trouble, and it's all my fault.

We had to arrange collection of some of his stuff via email, and I didn't ask how he was or anything, but he managed to drop into the conversation that he was still from 'place to place, police station to police station'. Inferring it's my fault.

I literally spent tens of thousands of pounds on that guy. He drives a van that I bought him, a cash pay off he blew, his wedding ring that he sold without a backwards glance, an education I paid for, not including all the money I lent him for other things I never got back and the luxury holidays to all the places he wanted to go. And still he's hard done by and has suffered terribly by me.