
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: necchi on December 15, 2013, 05:45:52 PM

Title: Münchausen syndrome
Post by: necchi on December 15, 2013, 05:45:52 PM
To anyone here with the knowledge, would gas lighting (not literally) someone's child and lying... .the whole work, fall into Münchausen syndrome

Title: Re: Münchausen syndrome
Post by: MrFox on December 15, 2013, 10:15:13 PM
I hope this doesn't come off condescending or rude, but I think you are thinking of Münchausen syndrome by proxy since it involves another person.  Münchausen syndrome is when the person (in this case the pwBPD) feings illnesses for attention.  With By Proxy they will find a third party, often a child, to use for that attention.  It can range from them convincing the child they are sick to actually inflicting harm on the child to gain the attention of caring for a sick child.

What are they doing to the child?

Title: Re: Münchausen syndrome
Post by: necchi on December 15, 2013, 10:44:50 PM
Yes by proxy,well uexBPDgf is devaluating me at my D13 eyes (she is not her daughter) D13 is not talking to me since july. Me and BPD ex is 5 months n/c. Bpdex is having her at her place every 2 week ends D13 lives 1 1/2 hrs from our town. She has taking my role ! Lol even bought her skies this w/e because she is going to start skiing with BPDex and her kids, she is going to spent  part of Hollidays there all this after 3 years n/c from BPDex and D13 because D13 mom got a restraining order 3 yes ago against BPD ex. Now both parties are in contact. Iget feed back from my S17 who lives with me and is in contact with D13. Feed backs are devaluation, gas lighting... .does look like attention seeking, and in the mean time nasty on D13 emotional balance.im going to ccs with tis since her mom doesn't want to hear me. She thinks she is fine to her eye, her life is great compare to mine ... .Really !

I'm in this situation because of her ! She totally abuse me. See not many has seen her behavious

Title: Re: Münchausen syndrome
Post by: MrFox on December 15, 2013, 11:56:08 PM
It's not Münchausen by proxy, but it is wrong in my opinion.  Sorry to hear that you are having to go through that.  I would love to be able to give you advice but I'm honestly at a loss on how you can handle this.  Wish I had a better answer for you.  I'm sure your not alone in something like this and someone on here can have a better answer for you.

Title: Re: Münchausen syndrome
Post by: necchi on December 16, 2013, 12:18:41 AM
For sure i will get through this, it wont happen quick enough for the holidays but soon. Saddly there will be collateral damage, my daughter will learn to validate assumptions, what will come out at the end, me getting my daughter back close to me, limiting her emotional wounds, getting her respect back towards me and me respecting myself towards exBPD. No more protecting her (pwBPD). Her outcomes... .NONE of my fu£king business it doesn't belong to me and I've let her use me and disrespect me quite to often. This is not vengeance, far from it!

I'm just taking back what is mine. What? You feal betrayed? Were did you dig that emotion out of ? Unpleasant feeling uh?