
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: unortel on December 18, 2013, 07:16:26 AM

Title: becoming more emotional after split with BPD?
Post by: unortel on December 18, 2013, 07:16:26 AM
So does anyone else find themselves being more emotional after entering the freedom of not having to steel yourself around the BPD?

Not feeling like  having to protect yourself at all times?

It seems that I can and have let my guard down now that I  do not have to watch what I say, do or be told how I am feeling or what i meant to say.

It is freeing in some sense but I would like to rein it in a bit. I guess I am over correcting for a while .

Title: Re: becoming more emotional after split with BPD?
Post by: magichat101 on December 18, 2013, 07:24:19 AM
in one word - YES... .

When me and my ex split up I was emotional about everything. For me I found it was not the most positive thing because I was always on the defense, if someone said something that I was just a little sensitive to I would shut down and panic. I was also diagnosed with PTSD, probably from things that happened in my past but the breakup defiantly triggered it. I also had the urge for a while when I would say "no" to people I would outlash at them, but that's from breaking free from my co-dependency.

Title: Re: becoming more emotional after split with BPD?
Post by: Pretty Woman on December 18, 2013, 07:42:55 AM

  I second your statement. I too, would panic. I couldn't handle it if a conversation was going a certain direction.

To me, I really felt like I picked up the disorder personally!

I am still having issues as this is fresh but I am feeling much better as of late. I like I don't have to walk on eggshells with my friends and family and that is very freeing.

When my ex kept cheating I lost trust and faith in her. I blamed myself for the cheating but couldn't figure out what I did. I was driving myself nuts.

Obviously that is because I didn't do anything but was blaming myself.

Title: Re: becoming more emotional after split with BPD?
Post by: Learning_curve74 on December 18, 2013, 08:04:16 AM
At some point before the end of my BPD relationship I became totally emotional. I felt out of control, it was bad. It took time for it to get better but I am still prone to feeling intense mood swings.

I'm not sure it's necessarily a bad thing. I think I was probably blocking out the negative emotions before. Having to face them now is forcing me to figure out the emotions as well as how better to cope with them.

Title: Re: becoming more emotional after split with BPD?
Post by: just_think on December 18, 2013, 10:12:07 PM
So much. 

Through the whole process, I was really able to get in touch with my emotional side, better understand it, cultivate it and most importantly grew it into maturity. It's so liberating to be able to understand my emotions (from someone that had a very underdeveloped emotional side) and recognize them for what they are.

It's a long road, but well worth it. 

Title: Re: becoming more emotional after split with BPD?
Post by: Octoberfest on December 18, 2013, 11:01:38 PM
So much. 

Through the whole process, I was really able to get in touch with my emotional side, better understand it, cultivate it and most importantly grew it into maturity. It's so liberating to be able to understand my emotions (from someone that had a very underdeveloped emotional side) and recognize them for what they are.

It's a long road, but well worth it. 

Along the same lines, I say sometimes in a joking manner that before I met my BPDex I didn't know I had emotions.  But it is kind of true. I am a sucker for the feeling of love, and once I finally felt it for the first time I was hooked.  Losing it was awful... .so yes, I became much more emotional after the split.  Crying my eyes out, feeling depressed, etc.