
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: sirensong65 on January 16, 2014, 05:56:42 AM

Title: They are SO predictable.
Post by: sirensong65 on January 16, 2014, 05:56:42 AM
  Hi Gang!  I have been lurking but not posting much.  Happy to say I am past the dark days that the holidays brought.  Had been NC for three weeks and then BOOM, he texts me out of the blue last night. 

My friend says he either saw the new banging pics on my FB page of a black tie event I went to recently OR he has heard I am dating again (I started seeing a guy in my circle and it is going SLOW and VERY good).

In his texts he says his heart was heavy over the mean things WE did and said to one another.  Notice the NOT taking accountability without laying blame on me too.  This guy just three weeks ago emailed me repeatedly threatening to send out a mass email to all my personal and business contacts defaming me (I am well known in my business community).  I would block his email address and he would go create another one and email me a threat AGAIN.  FINALLY, at that point, I told him I was forwadring his email threats to my gf who is a state attorney and we will take legal action if he continues to threaten and stalk me online.  And then crickets... . he disappeared.

So, now last night, he texts saying he is full of remorse for the way WE treated each other.  That his heart was heavy, blah, blah, blah.  I responded back that I sleep just fine at night knowing I treated him great in our relationship, my feelings for him were genuine and I always had his best interests at heart.  And that when I needed compassion and closure, he refused to give it to me, and in fact was cruel, threatening and hateful.  And that this latest attempt to reach out to me was more for him than me, because I have moved on, accepted our fate without closure from him and in essence, created my own closure.  I said;

"The man I fell in love with doesn't exist, never did and therefore I treat it as though he died.  The funeral has happened, the burial taken place, I rather look and YOU and US as dead to me.  I wish no further communication, there is nothing to rehash or say.  I have moved on, I feel great,let's leave it at that."

He responded that he understood my reaction and that was it... .

I hope that he doesn't reach out again.  But I was thrilled that I didn't react like I thought I would.  I felt fine, slept good, even text the guy I am seeing to let him know what transpired.  His response was, "the guy has obvious issues, I would like to send him a fruit basket and a card of thanks for being an idiot.  His loss, my gain."  LOL!

My girlfriend text this morning that she went on his fb page and he seems to be depressed, putting up old pictures of his deceased mother and making somber statements.  I am sure his depression is in full force, and unlike when he was with me, there is no one around to baby him through it.  I guess the Match.com skankfest hasn't satisfied like he thought it would...

Title: Re: They are SO predictable.
Post by: Changingman on January 16, 2014, 06:51:50 AM

When I tell people about the RS they start with

Wow! that sounds great, I want one

No, no you don't
