
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: SheAskedForaBreak on January 27, 2014, 05:54:18 PM

Title: The Truth, Closure, and Ready to Move On
Post by: SheAskedForaBreak on January 27, 2014, 05:54:18 PM
Many articles I've read told me I didn't really need to know what happened, but now that I have some idea, thanks to my best friend being married to her younger sister.  He told me the truth, despite his wife's wishes.  I cannot ever call her out or confront her, but I do know the truth.  This gives me closure, affirms she is a borderline on some level, and it insulates me for the next time I hear from her. 

I broke NC and talked to her on Sunday.  She kept telling me how an email I sent a day before touched her and moved her, though my whole email was about me moving on and getting past it.  She told her sister she wants me back, but I know despite the fact that she knows her decision was a poor one there is no assurance she won't do it again.  She wanted a break and I told her it was over.  She responded that I was being manipulative.  Breaking up isn't manipulative, it's decisive and clear.  A break with no definite term, missing my graduation to see another guy, and now saying this had "nothing" to do with another guy.  There were more factors at play and clearly she has big problems, it's all part and parcel to the bigger package.