
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: coastalfog1 on January 29, 2014, 06:49:05 PM

Title: What do they see in the mirror?
Post by: coastalfog1 on January 29, 2014, 06:49:05 PM
I wonder at times what my exgwBPD saw when she looked in the mirror. She was obsessed with her age. One of the biggest lies she continues to tell is she's 36. She's 48, she has age spots starting on her arms. Her facial structure is changing. In short she's aging. But, every personal ad she places she claims to be 36. What does she see when she looks at herself? Do they really believe the lies to the point of ignoring whats staring back at them?

Title: Re: What do they see in the mirror?
Post by: santa on January 29, 2014, 06:56:06 PM
When mine looks in the mirror she sees a hateful b!tch.

Not sure if that's what she sees, but that's definitely what's there.

Title: Re: What do they see in the mirror?
Post by: Perfidy on January 29, 2014, 07:40:25 PM
Costalfog... . Only they could tell you that I'm sure... . It's gotta be different for everybody, what's reflected back from a mirror. Really, who's to say? I can tell you that the one that was attached to me spent a lot of time in front of a mirror. She was self-destructive that way. Destroyed her face digging at it. Took a lot of selfies and plastered them on Facebook. I think her behavior indicated self loathing. She didn't like what she saw in a mirror. Kind of hard to understand. Narcissism seemed to be at work along with self hatred. Seems contradictory, but to tell you the truth most of this BPD behavior is that way. Exists only to deny. Everything is a brain teaser and there no solid answers to any questions. Definitely the rabbit hole. One could go mad looking for answers.

A side note about your ex and her age. I dated one like that after the split for about a month. She lied to me about her age. That was uncool. Her honesty was not her strong suit, but she was a nice gal. It was a deal breaker for me.