Title: Ex Bipolar GF Passionately Hates Me? Post by: rosesarered777 on February 09, 2014, 06:27:27 PM "Wishes Her Ex Never Existed. Can You Tell I Hate Him With A Passion! I can't believe i wasted 4 years of my life with a person like that. If I could warn other woman on here I would... . Whew there, had to get that out there."
So will she ever recycle me? She told me in my face that she had no feelings left at the start of the new year and now she has put this up on her dating profile for some reason... . I know strong hate and love can be very close emotions... Title: Re: Ex Bipolar GF Passionately Hates Me? Post by: arn131arn on February 09, 2014, 06:46:46 PM This is a website for borderline personality disorder. But the opposite of love is indifferent.
Title: Re: Ex Bipolar GF Passionately Hates Me? Post by: rosesarered777 on February 09, 2014, 06:56:51 PM My mistake! She was diagnosed as being bipolar but her behaviours seem to also include anti social and/or borderline as well. Comorbidity apparently is very common amongst both BPD's and Borderlines.