
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: twojaybirds on February 17, 2014, 04:08:22 PM

Title: OMG she is iseeing a counselor
Post by: twojaybirds on February 17, 2014, 04:08:22 PM
my 19dd daughter stopped by last night for a visit.  She was in the 'wind-up' talking mode.  The highlights of this conversation were:

She is seeing a counselor |iiii (OK she is ordered to by the school but she could have opted to drop out of school too to avoid)

She (mydd) thinks she might be bi-polar or have multiple personalities (I suggested maybe BPD which she has not heard of)  She explained how she keeps different names and has different personalities for them which she cannot control and recently a new friend mispronounced her name and it made her mad because she realized she did not know how to "act" or "who to be " with that name.

She talked about extreme moods coming on in waves which she cannot stop

The down is she feels unsafe revealing this to the counselor.  She admitted she only goes surface.

She feels paranoid the school staff is  casing her so she wont reveal too much.

But it was AWESOME... . I provided SET... Encouraged her addressing just one issue with the counselor.  She even engaged in role-modeling for her next session.

Gotta love these tiny rays of sunshine!

Title: Re: OMG she is iseeing a counselor
Post by: crazedncrazymom on February 17, 2014, 04:17:31 PM
That is so wonderful that your daughter is seeing a counselor.  You're right!  She could have very easily decided to drop out of school to avoid the whole counseling thing.  You must be so proud of her for taking such a positive step.

I wouldn't be surprised or worried about the different names/personalities.  I think with multiple personality disorder the person is not aware of the other personalities.  My dd also went through a phase where she had different names.  One of her "personalities" was a guy who had an internet girlfriend.

Title: Re: OMG she is iseeing a counselor
Post by: jellibeans on February 17, 2014, 04:56:41 PM
What I think is really important to acknowledge here is that she was able to talk to you about it. It is great that she is seeing a counselor too but it think it is so great that she shared this with you.

I don't know much about multiple personalities but it seems she might be trying to find herself in a way... . my daughter mirrors who every her friends is at the time... . she kind of collects these different personalitiy traits... . maybe that is what she is feeling. Certainly seems like a step in the right direction... . |iiii

Title: Re: OMG she is iseeing a counselor
Post by: twojaybirds on February 17, 2014, 08:13:40 PM
Thanks all... .

I am not 'worried" about the personalities.  I took that as the typical BPD, not knowing who I am/what to feel/how to be.

Actually there was a time when BPD was diagnosed as multiple personalities because of that and the altering of reality.

I am just THRILLED she is in counseling... .