
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Turkish on February 19, 2014, 03:32:25 PM

Title: Kids Better Last Night
Post by: Turkish on February 19, 2014, 03:32:25 PM
I have D1 and S4 from last night until Friday morning, after which she will have them all weekend to start the 3-2-2-3 schedule. They were so glad to see me when I picked them up from their grandma's last evening. Climbed into my car, ready to go; whereas, usually, I fight to get them to come home as they like it there so much.

Less clingy behavior from D22 mos. Got them to bed more easily. D1 was easy to put down, and S4 didn't ask to sleep with me last night. D1 awoke about the time i did and she didn't cry out for me ":)addy!" like she did Sat morning when I last had them. Of course, S4 was in the same room this time and she could see that. I'll see how they are the next few mornings. I think going back to the old routine of having uBPDx's mom take care of them, where she has been out of town for three weeks, provides some stability for them. Their mom called to talk to them last night. Being babies, their conversations are short, and then "bye mommy!" Just like they are with me. Kids... . uBPDx thanked me in a heartfelt and sincere manner, like she usually does, as if I am taking such good care of "her" kids. "Thank you, Turkish!" I appreciate it, when I could have it so much worse as many members do here, but still don't know what to make of that. It almost sounds like relief in her voice, so she doesn't have to worry (since she has always had this low self esteem about being a "good" parent, and how others view her).

We'll see how it goes. Still only two weeks since the physical separation. The good thing about picking up and dropping off from her mom's house is that I won't have to see her for at least a week, maybe longer, except for any emails regarding the kids, texts (rare), and those short conversations where we each call the kids in the evening. I think she got my not so sublte message about NC boundaries. If it helps us to not be in proximity to trigger each other's bad thoughts, then so much the better. She still has stuff in my home. Thinking of slowly bringing it over to her mom's house, including the journals she obviously left for me to read (when my thoughts turn angry, I resist the urge to "answer" back a little in them... . not good. Keep their mom emotionally stable. Act like the grown up).